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  An ear-splitting whistle screamed through the intercom, jolting me out of my dreamless sleep. That's another thing about the System. They wipe our minds with a constant high frequency sound that makes us unable to dream. What we see instead, is an infinite white landscape. La Résistance cracked that case. 


"Oh, I haven't told you about La Résistance?" I asked the new girl. She had big brown eyes and golden hair that fell around her in beautiful waves. She shook her head, clearly enchanted by my story and I continued, "They're a secret group that formed between some of the senior kids who want out of the System's arms. I attend their weekly 10 minute meetings at midnight. They do research and spy on the Robots and human operatives that run this place. They also, somehow beyond my comprehension, get in touch with other Units that have formed their own districts of La Résistance. The ones I've heard of are Der Widerstand, La Resistencia, and An Fhriotaíocht. But the mot infamous district that even the Robots and HO's fear are Soprotivleniye. They've actually attempted to escape but the result was half of their Unit, even kids not in Soprotivleniye, being shot to death by a firing squad. But that didn't stop them. They reformed and attacked the Robot on guard and gained control of their Unit for twenty-four hours!" I sighed dreamily, remembering the day we cheered when Galen announced the news. Galen was the head of La Résistance. He wasn't bad looking but he got on my last nerves. He had crop-cut red hair and deep green eyes that could pierce you with a look that kills, gaze at you like you were his world, and laugh with you as if you'd know each other for years all in the same day. He was always trying to get me to be with him. Yuck. I mean, it's not that he's gross or anything, it's just that I'm not interested. Anyway, even I wanted to be his girlfriend, we weren't allowed to have relationships outside of coworkers and mutual friendships.

"Is...is it true?"
"The stories about La Résistance, are they true?"

I looked down at her and smiled, sitting down at the white table with a white cardboard tray in a white cafeteria. Some of the older Newbies had said that it's not very different from the school lunchrooms in the Real World. "Of course they are, Ana. How about I bring you with me to the meeting next week?" She immediately lit up and nodded her head. I chuckled and watched her shovel the white goop they call food into her mouth.

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