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“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Imani yelled excitedly in my ear.

I smiled and slowly opened my eyes, "Thank you, bae!" I exclaimed.

"Check your phone and come downstairs, I made breakfast!" She happily said, walking downstairs.

I gasped, Imani never cooks. I guess she's excited about my birthday. I shrugged and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. I had about 15 texts from people telling me Happy Birthday. The first one was from last night, at 12am. Of course, it was from my Mom.

"Happy 17th birthday sweetie! I'll be home today with your presents. Mommy loves you, pumpkin!!"

I smiled, I love her so much. I just wish she wasn't away so much. You see, my Mom owns a record label in New Jersey, Star Records. She often travels with her clients because she dosen't trust that things will go right if she isn't there. So, I hardly see her. I have kept it a secret, who my Mom is. Only Imani knows, and it didnt affect our friendship. I remember when I told her. "Girl, don't care! But if you meet my baby Chris, you better take me!" I swear, I love that girl.

I texted my Mom, thanking her and then continued reading other messages. The next one was from Damon.

"Goodmorning Princess, Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day, and I cant wait to see you."


I smiled and typed , "Awe, thanks Damon :) Happy Birthday to you as well. I cant wait to turn up at your party! :P"

Quickly hopping to my feet, I hoped that  Imani  really cooked. That girl is the most laziest person, but when she trys, she succeeds. Something I'm obviously immune to. As i walked down my stairs towards the stairs, I was startled by my Mom bursting through the front door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!" my Mom yelled excitedly.

I laughed, beginning to walk towards her, "Thank you, Mommy!" I exclaimed.

"Go eat and then come downstairs for your gift." my Mom ordered.

I nodded and proceeded to walk to the kitchen. I smiled I could smell bacon, which signalled that she did indeed cook.


"Suprise baby!" I heard.

I opened my eyes and immediately screamed, dropping my bags in the process. "Say cheese." Imani smiled. The one thing I've wanted most since I was six, was sitting in my peripheral vision. I dont think I've ever been this happy. Nothing could compare to this gift. Absolutely nothing. I mean, who could compare to a Pink Mercedes Benz? It was perfectly sitting still with a white ribbon that read 'Today's my birthday, and this is my gift!'

My Mom dangled the glittery pink keys in front of my face and said, "Get your gift, baby."

"Aaah, Mom! You are the best!!" I exclaimed, squeezing her into a hug.

She smiled and walked towards her car. "I'm going to get the rest of your gift. See you girls later. Love you." She said.

"Love you too." We squealed , watching her get in her car and speed off.

Imani and I squealed and grabbed our book bags and purses. We got in the car and threw our things in he backseat.

"I cant believe she got you this! My mom got me a Honda, and she has the money for a Benz!" Imani bitterly said.

I laughed, "Thats because you treat her like shit." I truthfully said.

Imani and her Mom bicker everyday. I can literally hear their conversations word for word. Then again, we are next door neighbours. Last week, they argued because Imani called her a "Bitch" on accident. When her Mom asked why she uses that kind of language she replied, "Because I'm a fucking normal ass teenager!"

"Well, she dont have to take it out on my gifts." She said pouting.

" Girl, you are a hot mess." I said laughing.

I bagged out of the driveway and she cut on the radio, as usual.

"So , you ready for Damon's party tonight?" Imani asked.

I felt butterflies at the mention of him, "Yes, and no. I'm nervous." I admitted.

"Girl, for what?He likes you. So just be chill and laid back." Imani said.

"Thats the thing. I can't be chill and laid back. You know how goofy and clumsy I am." I said.

"Oh my God, remember when you fell down the water slide at Cedar Point?" Imani asked , laughing uncontrollably.

"Shutup bitch. You know you pushed me!" I bitterly said, trying to keep a straight face. But, I ended up laughing because she looked at me and laughed.

I made a U-Turn into the McDonalds located across the street from our school. We waited in line for about 2 minutes before we got a chance to order.

I ordered two Cherry Berry chiller smoothies . One for me and one for Imani. As i was pulling off i heard commotion from my school. Guessing that it was the usual Senior fools, i shrugged it off.

"Yo, Mina, something going on!" Imani exclaimed.

"Something like what? And why is everyone outside? We're not going on a field trip today, are we?"  I asked .

"Not that i know of. Maybe a pipe burst or something." Imani suggested.

"I dont know," I started, people were taking up all the parking spaces, "but these niggas need to move before they get hit!" I said.

I finally found a parking spot in the front of the school, thanks to Imani cussing people out. We both got out and tried to go to the entrance, but the doors were locked.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself.

Why do they have every fucking grade standing outside? It's 8 o'clock in the fucking morning! My school does the dumbest shit, i swear!

Imani and I walked back to my car , sipping out smoothies and conversing with each other.

"..and then he asked for your number!" I said.

"I felt offended that he even asked for it! I was like nigga you're a Freshmen. Take yo underaged ass on somewhere!" Imani exclaimed laughing.

As I was searching through my purse for my keys, a voice from behind me said something.

"Damn, this you Carmina?"

I turned my head around and saw a guy with a familiar face , but I didn't know who it was . I know I've seen him around, I just couldn't figure out where.  "Uhh, yeah. " I replied.

He balled his fist into an "O" shape and covered his mouth dramatically, "Daaamnnn, when you cop this?" He asked.

"About 20 minutes ago. It was a birthday present." I replied.

"Happy birthday, shorty." He said before hugging me, winking at me, and walking away.

I sat there completely and utterly confused.

Did I, Carmina Anderson, just get hit on?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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