Part 6

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The sound of moving bodies mixed with the melodious Ethiopian airline soundtrack as people started getting up to get their luggage from the overhead compartments. Something sank in my stomach, the aftermath of landing. I sat still in my chair, waiting for the chaos to reduce before i get up as I watched people queued down the aisle, waiting to get off the plane. I got my phone out and swapped the sim cards to call the person coming to pick me from the airport. I dialled Farida's number and it engaged for a while and went dead. People had started going out and the plane had cleared a little. I put my phone back in my bag and got up to take my hand luggage. A man walked past me, hitting me while doing so. Dragging my luggage, I made my way out of the plane with my left palm sitting protectively on my bump...subconscious things mothers-to-be do I gathered. I sat silently staring into space as we all waited for our luggage to arrive. I tried calling Farida's phone again and it went through this time.

"Hey, you're down...welcome home" I could sense the excitement in her voice. It has been quite long

"I am waiting for my luggage, I will be out in a jiffy In sha Allah" I said

"I will be at the entrance..." Farida said

I sat halfway on a plastic chair some security woman offered me and could feel the fatigue running through my body while thinking about calling sultan to let him know we have arrived safely. My phone buzzed and I looked at the screen to see who it was...ah think about the devil

"Hi sweetie..." I said in a rather small voice

"Hey you, how was the flight?"

"it was ok...Alhamdulillah. You know I was just thinking about calling you" I said smiling "I met a really courteous security woman that offered me a chair to sit on Sultan. These people are changing." we laughed at the same time

"whoa...that's new"

"I know...Farida is here to get me and I am waiting to pick my luggage"

"Get someone to help you manny"

"no, I will manage..." I said.

"ever so stubborn. I am back home already and I miss you like crazy"

"I my friend will also manage before I get back. Hope you have eaten"

"uhmm...if cereal counts as food"

I laughed hard now and managed, forcefully, to tear myself from the phone call. I picked out my box and a young man helped me bring it down.

I was seated quietly in the front seat while farida drove, appreciating the picturesque view of the greenery. Nigeria is so blessed, I thought. The sun has reached far west, about to set.Having a very deep orange color, almost fading into the clouds, giving the sky one of the most beautiful sceneries. I took a deep breath and murmured absentmindedly under my breath

"this right here is enough evidence of a greater power above...." looking at the sky longingly

"are we going to my house first or you want to see your dad?" Farida asked forcing me back to the now

"take me to Aunty Aisha's first please" I said after a while

Farida turned to look at me and I hated the expression on her face

"why are you looking at me I'm losing my mind ...." I said with a straight face

she smiled the are-you-serious-right-now smile

"I think you are, in fact. I'm sorry but you won't find Aunty Aisha there. hey, she is gone" she said, her eyes having the softness of pity

"please lose that pity...and just take me there" I stared at her, furious

I regretted the way I talked to her immediately, and realised I am relieving the anger inside of me

"I'm sorry" I said while looking the other way, at the landscape that has gotten dark now

"I will wait for you here" Farida said and gave me a brief hug

I smiled and started walking towards the house...more slowly than not

all the while thinking what I was doing

I knew there will be no one inside, the doors are probably locked, definitely locked, it has been over a week. Her husband has gone home. No kids...I thought still walking

I reached the gate and tried to push it back gently at first then with force and not a budge

I gave up and sat down in front of the gate, crossing my legs

it was completely dark then and the only lighting came from farida's headlights and the security lights of the surrounding houses. I said a silent prayer and looked down. I closed my eyes and  focused on the petrichor rather than the alien feeling I have in my heart. I wished I could be there till august, to lose myself in the rain and feel the serenity of staying indoors all day because it won't stop pouring.

I got into the car and told Farida to please take me to my dad

we drove in silence, comfortable silence, which is something I share with my friends that I very much appreciate

I met my father sitting in the living room, watching. I met a lot of people in the house still, most of them hanging back from the funeral. I went to each person, repeating the same thing, chit chatting about how great Aunt Aisha was and receiving hugs I didn't want.

"when did you get in?" Baaba said, drily

"not too long ago" I said, sitting next to him

seeing him has surprisingly made me feel better, safer. At least I have him

"how are you holding up Baaba?" I asked, studying his face. Old age is taking its toll on him...I love him with all of my being, I thought, and I wished I could be close to take care of him

"I am ok, Alhamdulillah. How is Sultan"

"He is doing fine, he wanted so bad to be here"

"Ah...I see" he said sarcastically while shifting his focus back to the TV

"I came with Farida, I will be staying at her's"

"ok" was all he said and I left quietly

"That was fast..." farida said looking at me with a worried expression

"I am fine" I knew what that look was and wasn't about to start discussing my father...I was too tired for that

"at least we didn't get into a fight" I said half smiling... and I have God and him to thank for the surge of equanimity I feel, I added in my mind

We were on our way to Farida's house when I mentally made a to-do list of things I wanted to do before leaving. Visit relatives, favourite food joints, even travel to see family and old friends if time permits.

I have missed this place 

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