chapter 1

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"Get out of my territory and my pack mutt" Sam spat at me I flinched and backed up a little looking at Jacob Seth and Leah whining beging for them to help they all just looked at me with sad exspresions and I turn and ran shifting mid run into my pure black wolf zoming through the trees and out of la push I fell in a ditch and whimpered and let the darkness consume right before i-

I shot awake from my night mare and breathed heavily sweat covering my shaking body it's OK it's OK they won't hurt you again it's OK Avery I heard my wolf sooth me in my head i-i know that ash but they.....feel so real I replied as I took a deep breath I know but it's going to be OK trust me on this I took another shaky breath and nodded as I replied OK ash I trust you I looked at my clock and sighed it was 6:20 so I got up puting on a sports bra and a sleeveless hoodie brushed my hair and pulled on some black ripped skinny jeans looking at all my tatoos on my body and smiling at the just love tattoo on my hands as I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth yada yada as I was walking outside of my apartment ....oh I live by myself by the way.....and check the time 6:54 "shit" I mutter grabbing my keys and jumping in my midnight blue camero and speeding to school as I riped through the parking lot into a spot my engine roaring how I like it I smirk at the people awing at my car and as I step out and lock it I turn to see everyone's eyes on me and raised a eyebrow seemingly oblivious and stick my hands in my pockets when a brown haired girl greets me "heya I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess " she smiles my wolf cringes from the tone of her voice I just nod and smile "Avery" she smiles and grabs my hand and I tense .....I'm not really the touchy kind of person well...... I take that back I am.....but only to those I'm really close with but I literally only met this girl I sighed as she draged me past everyone and into the school after we got in she draged me to my first class .....ugh biology I groaned quietly then seeing a brown haired girl and a bronze haired dude and tilted my head smirking as i smelled that he was a vampire as I took the seat behind them I tapped the dudes shoulder and when he turned he looked at me questioningly "yes?" I smiled and said "one second trust me " I took a peace of paper as he looked at me bewildered and wrote "hello vampy poo" I laughed a little as I handed him the slip of paper sure to hid it from the girl in case she didn't know he read it over and he froze as he looked over at me with wide eyes and a worried and nervous exspresion I almost laughed as I mouthed *breath* to him he did and I can tell he caught my Wolf's scent as I smirked at the confused girl beside him and put my hand out to her ignoring the slight growl from the vampire "I'm Avery you?" She turned all the way to face me with a shy expression that was kind of funny as she slowly shook my hand gasping I'm guessing at the warmth my body's regular temp is 109°f and she looked at Edward before saying "Bella" I nodded and took my hand away I knew I had surprised both of them but that name felt so familiar hmmm Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella AHHH BELLA !!! YES I raised a eyebrow "wait are you Bella swan Charlie's daughter?" I asked she seemed shocked but nodded "yea how'd you know ?" I smiled a sad smile at the thought of how Jacob would rant about how he loved Bella but weather he knew it or not I can tell it's just brotherly "when I hanged around Jacob you were like his favorite person it was a little adorable " her eyes went wide and she said "you know Jacob like....Jacob black " she raised a eyebrow I nodded "yah I lived on the reservation be fore I was kicked out" I smiled sadly again fuck Sam Avery don't let him get you down he kicked you out just because you were you so. Fuck. Him. I heard ash sooth in my head she seemed to be thinking before she gasped and her eyes widened and she whispered low low for the other human in the room to here "your the pack member that Sam said was diseased he said that you were out of your mind " she finished confusedly I felt my face go in pure anger and grited my jaw as I clenched it saying "there's nothing wrong with me he's just a damn mother fucking homophobic asshole who thought I had fucking mental issues for the one stupid damn reason of me being gay and didn't want me to spread my disease" I said venom dripping from my words as I felt myself start to shake and took a deep breath and looked to see the dude with bronze hair furious and Bella looking sad and shocked "I....I'm sorry I didn't know " Bella said I sighed and shook my head waving it off "its fine he just gets on my nerves especially since he is my uncle but of that doesn't matter " I said with sarcasm I shook my head trying to get his words out of my head you don't come near me you diseased little mutt you should just go kill yourself you disgusting bitch you are no family of mine and put on a smile so they wouldn't catch on as I looked to the dude "so any way peter pan what's your real name " he raised a eyebrow at me "Edward and why did you call me Peter pan " I smirked "because you sparkle and I can't call you Tinkerbell " I laughed and he just smiled and said to Bella "she's going to love Emmet the only difference so far he he's really cocky " I let a evil grin go on my face gesturing to my crotch as I said " well as you can see there's nothing cocky about me " Bella looked mortified as Edward just laughed really hard "please tell me you didn't just say that " he laughed "well I could lie" I heard the bell "adios Compadre's" I said and ran out of the room yah know I don't know why the others always said those guys were horrible I think I'll get along OK with them I thought to myself as I found my next class witch was history I sat in a empty chair I listened to the teacher ramble on about things I already know and sighed taping my fingers on the desk out of boredom.... yah i was stuck like this for 55 more minutes then I heard the bell and I sighed "thank fudge " I smiled and rushed out only to run straight into a big tall dude with loads of mussles and smelled the now familiar smell of vampire as I fell on my but "JEEZ dude watch were ya going muscles " I said rubbing the back of my head getting up as I was I heard a loud smack and saw a blonde woman who I guessed by her scent her and the guy were vampires she glared at him and he said "sorry, man that hurt you know Rose " he pouted why do I have a feeling this dude's Emmett then Rose i think her name is took a sigh of frustration but stopped I'm guessing she smelled my Wolfy secnt and growled a little "WHAT are you doing here mutt on our side of territory" I took a deep breath telling myself she doesn't know she doesn't know and shruging "I got kicked out of the pack " I said the anger obvious in my calm words "so I'm guessing your the bitch Sam was talking about having mental issues" I had to bite my tongue literally before I did something I regretted and answered and let out a humorless laugh "figures I told your brother there's nothing wrong with me Sam's just a homophobic asshole who thinks just because im fucking gay that I have mental issues and he didn't want me to spread my disease as he called it " i felt my face go into a sarcastic smile as I said "then disowned me his niece and kicked me from the pack " I said disgust in my voice as I took in Emmetts angry face my body shaking slightly in anger as well and roses furious eyes and pain/sad expression then as I tried to walk past them I felt roses cold hand on my arm "I feel like there's more to that story ...." She said and she was right and tears started to form in my eyes as I swallowed "please don't" I said smally I needed to stop before I broke into tears over what he did when he claimed to try to 'cure' me a knowing look crossed her face but I pulled away and ran down the hall into the first bathroom I could find taking deep breaths "God I really need to stop talking about him " I said shakily to myself once I fixed myself I pulled my hood over my head and put on my sunglasses so no one will see my slightly red eyes and when I walked into the lunchroom and got my food I slid the tray on a empty table and leaned against the back of my seat my eyes closed and my music on full blast and softly sung the lyrics to kick me by sleeping with sirens

Let's take the jurry you sick judgementfull fools burry you 6ft under so tired of your rules

Fuck you and your opinion how could you be so blind what comes around comes back around in time

You don't know shit
You don't know shit
About me
You don't know shit shit shit don't know a godamn thing about me!!! keep looking down on me I am more than you'll ever be cut me deep but I won't bleed if you wanna kick! kick! kick! me when I'm down by all means -

I stopped as I smelled the most amazing scent of vanilla and the forest after it rains and opened my eyes having the breath getting knocked out of me at the
Dark haired pixie vampire in front of me with a small grin as her eyes twinkled and it was as if the world had stopped

It was as if everything had shifted and the only important thing in my life was her as if it wasn't the gravity holding me to the earth now it was her and I would be anything do anything even give my life for her without a second thought and I knew I had imprinted.....and God I did so on the most gorgeous woman ever I awed at her for a moment until she spoke and my wolf purred at the soft smooth bell like sing song voice that flowed to me "hey I'm Alice " she smiled and I was in a daze until I shook my head taking my other head phones out and pulling down my hood and off my sunglasses "umm uh y-yah h-hey I'm Avery " I said still in a little giddy state witch only intensified as she giggled and I had to bite my lip from letting a huge smile break on my face

(So how did I do?)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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