princeton: dang haylee I didn't know u went hard like that we need to hang out more
haylee: ya I can teach u a few things about fighting
princeton: aww I am flattered and sure when and where * blushing*
haylee: oh for real I was just kidding about that!!!!
haylee Gina diamond prince: laughing so hard.........
cymponique: comes up and said come on boo I thought I told u not to talk to them whispering in his ear.
haylee: what u say b**** u want me to break your arm next....
cymponique: NO PLEASE * said in a scared voice*
princeton: no these are my friends u can go.
then we all saw ray ray and roc royal coming. haylee runs up giving roc royal a hug and a kiss then looked at us.
haylee: wtf y'all looking at this my boo.
Regina: you never told me u where dating the most popular boy in school and the "sexist"
haylee: I don't need to tell you my business dang
Regina: HAYLEE!!!!!
ray ray went to diamond then as I look sad I saw my boyfriend jaden smith<3
Regina: hey boo I love you.
Jaden: hey how u doing girl you looking sexy as f*** today <3
me and jaden exchange kisses in a lock
when we were done talking I saw princeton looking as usual as ever but,something about him today was kinda attractive.
prince: hey Regina looking..............good I guess*making a stank face*
Regina: uhh rude who do you thing your talking to like that I'll backhand you so hard.
prince: just kidding girl you know you look fine today.
jaden: better be I will beat ur A** right here right now no joke.
Jaden: oh s*** I gotta go *kiss Regina on the cheek* bye babe
Regina: sooo I love your creepers and your misfits shirt where you get them.
princeton: I ordered them from Europe
Regina: dang u be getting things from all around the world. how much did it cost
prince: the misfit shirt cost $50 and the creepers was $200.
Regina: dang you got money like that.
prince: ya girl and I know you heard me this morning.
when prince said that I had instant butterflies
Regina: ummmmmm no
prince: don't lie to me, I can tell when u hear something like for real I knew u since 2 years old.
Regina: ummmmmm guess what my birthday tomorrow (today was Friday and my birthday was Saturday) ( trying to change the subject)
prince: I know that and aye don't try to change the subject on me.
Regina: dang OK I heard you this morning I just didn't wanna change our relationship as BFF's and anyways you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend
Prince: so what are you saying,if I didn't have a girlfriend you will go out with me.
Regina: no not like that it came out wrong.
prince: its OK I will go out with you if I didn't have a girlfriend.*scoots up close to me and holds my hand*
princeton looks at Gina in the eyes and their eyes lock. when their about to kiss.....
Regina: prince no
prince: shut up.
and they kiss then Gina pushes princeton away
Regina: prince we can not do this!!
prince: I know I am sorry your just so sexy and you have a good boyfriend and I have uhhhhhh.........
sorry the chapter was long
what will happen next. will they start dating or would effect their friendship.
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