Chapter Three

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Me and Scott took our seat. I don't think he realised that I'm the popular girl. He ordered a normal platter while I ordered something really expensive. "So Scott, why do you hang out with the unpopular kids?". He replied with a "Huh?".
"Well, you know. You seem like you could be popular. I mean, your hot!"
"I'm not popular because popular kids are cheating little snitches! I had this girlfriend for a who and she was popular! She never had any time for me. I just wish she dump me for a dumb jock." He said. I was really surprised at this. He seemed like a calm and witty kid. At least this gave me more reason to keep my popularity a secret. I decided to change the subject and asked if he wanted to go to the lake. He said yes and he payed. What a nice guy! I'm glad he likes me. Or at least I did for a while...

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