Chapter 3

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Grace took a deep breath and let out a happy sigh. The fresh air was a balm against the abrasive two-hour car ride. How two girls could fight so much, Grace had no clue, but neither girl would stop bickering. Even when Grace turned on the radio, they kept going.

The only thing both girls had in common was their distaste for Grace. Neither girl listened to her, nor did they talk to her when she asked a question. It was like she didn't exist. However, Grace refused to be discouraged. She'd get these girls to like her. She just had to.

"Do you remember this trail or do you need a map?" Miles asked her. They were standing at the entrance of the trail, waiting for the teenagers to put on their hiking backpacks. In the car ride, Grace had learned the school provided them for the kids since most couldn't afford it.

"I remember." They'd hiked Canyon's Ridge right before they broke up. It was the last place they'd been happy. It was also the last place they kissed.

"How long are we hiking for?" Pacey asked.

Miles responded, "Three miles today. We'll stop at Meadow Creek for the night then hike back tomorrow." It wasn't a rigorous hike, but there were a few steep inclines that were difficult.

"What if we have to go to the bathroom?" Ash asked, looking worried.

Miles motioned around him. "This is your bathroom. Although, make sure you're away from the trail and any body of water."

Ash's jaw dropped. "What about toilet paper?"

Corrine let out a lofty sigh. "You were supposed to bring some. It was on the handout Mr. Dalby gave us. Didn't you read it?"

Ash put a hand on her hip. "Not all of us have time to worry about stuff like that. Some of us have more important things to do."

"Like what? Getting arrested?" Corrine taunted.

Ash's face flushed. "At least I keep my fists to myself."

Corrine stilled, her chocolate eyes widening with alarm. She glanced around and saw the whole group was listening. Corrine quickly dropped her head, shame staining her cheeks. "Whatever. Good luck going to the bathroom. I'm not giving you any of my stuff."

A red flag went up in Grace's mind. Was this why Corrine was in the program? For getting into a physical fight? And what had Ash done that had gotten her arrested?

So many questions swirling around, but Grace had more pressing matters like stopping them before they started bickering again. "I brought extra toilet paper," Grace said, stepping in. "You can have some, Ash. Plus, I have hand sanitizer."

True to form, Ash gave her the cold shoulder. Scrunching up her nose, she turned to Miles and said, "This is so gross. Why would anyone do hike for fun?"

"Because we get to be in the great outdoors," Miles answered. "No phones. No distractions."

"No phones?" Ash asked, her jaw dropping.

"Nope. Hand 'em over," Miles said. "And let's go over some ground rules."

As Miles talked, Grace became impressed. Not only did he have a way of making a cell-less trip sound fun, but the kids listened to him. They respected him. Grace wondered what he did to earn that trust.

"—and if you need to stop or have a break just let Grace or I know. Okay?"

Once everyone was set, Miles took the lead and started up the trail. The group followed—the boys first, and the girls second—with Grace bringing up the rear. As they walked, Grace began to understand the dynamics of the group.

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