My Story {150 followers}

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ok well uhm i guess i should start off this my name...i jake lee smith...i really wasnt a cute kid. i had really short hair and i just looked like a dork. but i grew up nd i guess got cuter. i grew up with my jackass brother jacob and a mum and dad. i know most kids didnt grow up with a mom and dad still i kinda stood out a bit in school.

elementary was the weirdest years of meh life...i was liked one day and hated the other. lost friends nd gained friends...teachers really didnt like me very much...i was called frog...i really dont know why i was but i was. 

jr. high also known as middle school...these were my years! 6th i honestly came to school with a pop shirt on what ever group was popular at the time and i was wearing these clothes that havent even came out yet i guess. and girls seemed to love it nd i became popular with the laddies. lol but as that year went on i got more clothes nd had those little "dates" things with omg u got me animal crackers fuck yes kinda things. but in 7th i did have a gf...we dated for like 4 months...then she killed herself....she really wasnt wanted by her parents so she slept at my house a lot...nd when she left i just stopped trying with shool got mostly d's and f's in every dad was disappointed in me nd he yelled all the time bout me being worthless nd that he didnt love me bc i had bad grades...nd for all the guys out there...u know how important it is for ur dad to be proud of u...nd so he worked me... by 8th grade i was learning 10th grade skool work...i was smart nd it attracted the end of 8th grade i was pretty turned me into a big asshole to everyone...i jake was a bully v.v 

high school: high school ur last years b4 becoming old like i am now...mmmm...yay xD it where u find ursle fnd go thro lots of phases... we moved that year so a whole new skool nd new people to fuck with. 9th i was in 10th nd 11th grade classes thats was the year i lost my v was quite awkward it really was after that time that girl nd i just never talked anymore...but i was jokin around one day that i slept with a guy...nd i didnt tell anyone i was gay or bi...whatever...nd someone over heard so it got around helped nd it also made things worse girls they came to me like all the time nd some guys would to i dated guys and girls that year but most of the girls would just be with me to have sex then leave...i was in the middle of dating a guy...nd a girl came onto me nd he got jealous...i really loved this guy...nd he broke up with me...bc of a girl that i had no feelings for never did...we didnt sleep together or anything if thats wut u think. 

10th...was the year i was pushed to my limit i was not only bully but also the victim....the whole sleeping with a guy thing turned into ur a slut jake kill urself...nd i did...but my brother came im just before i bleed to death...i woke up in the hospital...that one guy that left me well...he was there. cx he was holding my hand but he was sleeping hehe i woke him up nd him nd i started talking nd we got back together again. i was really happy with him. but as for skool i kept my grades up to a's. had a party that i went to that year too...i got super drunk...i woke up and didnt remember a damn thing but i did notice i got a tattoo v.v bc i was stupid. i started doin drugs this year too.

11th...this was a Good year kinda....that guy ya he broke up with me...and with the help of his cousin we got back together again and i thank that cousin every damn day for helping me...but that year was awesome...the guy and i we did everything together...i was noticing he was getting bullied a lot nd it hurt me...but i stayed on top of my grades... and one night a girl from my class needed a study buddy she was a lesbian so i figured wut the hell ill help her...nd when got to my house....things didnt turn out as planed things happened....that guy well he walled in on me....biggest regret of my life. well later that night i got a visit from satin aka that guys cousin....she like fucked my shit up with her fist nd her words...thats a story for someother time...but that cousin talked to me...and that cousin....canged me...i stopped bullying people and instead i bout everyone that i hurt a $20 gift card to subway...nd that was a lot of money...nd that ones i really hurt well i took them all out to eat with me at olive garden. nd i best kindest of people....sounds cheesy ik like i got it out of a mcl known as a kool kid to hang with again like i was back in 6th grade. last year im still not done with 12th yet but just about cx i got back with that guy but around december he left...he had to. nd b4 he did we had the best night ever....i took him out to eat i got him a ring too..i didnt propose ya silly reader pshtt i was only 17 nd he was 16 xD but ya he did bc of step daddy issues which is now in jail for wut he did to that one guy i was dating. nd just was gone...until i got cancer...he came back. but also this year i found out i had a daughter..casey...i was like 15 at the time...remember that party i was talking bout well it happened...i slept with a girl nd i wasnt thinking. nd i had to stop with the drugs nd bad things to take care of her...if been clean for a while now. but i met some online friends bud mais well we have been thro a lot bitch kris aha well he's pretty great too nd i fell in love with his ass xD nd my boyfriend jake....he's truely the best nd idc wut y'all think of him i love him not only for his stunning looks but his heart warming personality. my other internet friends aswell have been really great...most of them r on this site they all have changed me nd all have helpped me in some way...i met this adzy girl...she really changed me...i loved her but she let me down..nd i gave up on her...but im happy now...i think this is the part where i tell u who that one guy nd who that cousin is....

well that one josh...josh jones lol he was there for me still is... he's living with me right now...but he keeps intouch with his girlfriend aswell cx tbh im quite jealous but he should be too bc my man is soooo hawt. hotter then his gal xD but he's helping me with casey. and that hannah cx shes helped me thro lots most of my stories have her in them...shes like my mum i guess...thanx again hannah cuz ik ur sooo reading this aha. im happy even tho i have cancer. c: we all just have to let things happen..the top guy...who ever that may be...he did this to me for a reason...nd he lead u to read this for a reason ether it was me that told ya or just u wanting to read an fucked up emo boys story....bc u might find it somewhat like urs. well we all have stories to tell...we just need to find someone that will listen to em. oh nd i soppose u want me to explain how i paid for all those cards huh... well guys i grew up witha rich famiy. not something i just anounce but im rich...nd i guess thats one of the reasons y i was such a dick to people that werent as rich. but guys im here to tell ya...the poorest of people are the most kindest of people...sounds cheesy i got it out of a magizen or something aha but i didnt it just came to me aha well soo be nice to people.

Stay beautiful my lil loveys. jakey's always gonna be here!  well im out cx byyeee <3 ~jakey

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