How could you?

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*my one shots are going to be in different perspectives*


"How could you do this?!" I started to cry. Nico cheated on me... again. This time it was with Percy. "Nico, do you want to destroy me? I give you my heart, and you just tear it into pieces. Why, just why?"


I get up, and put on my underwear, and a shirt. "I'm sorry Will."

"Sorry my ass, Nico" Will contorts.

""Honestly, I am." I say, "Please forgive me."

"Why should I? I have seen you with multiple other guys. I can't even count the amounts of time you have cheated on me. Percy, how many times have I caught you with Nico?"

"Three? Maybe four, I can't keep track" Percy mumbles. Will is absolutely insane. I can't believe he is angry right now. If he can't satisfy me, I will find someone that can. I need to end this. I need to end this now. "Will?" I say


What is he going to say now?! I can't believe him. He is probably going to end our relationship. He is the one that cheated on me. I should be ending it with him.

"I think we should break up." Nico says quietly. I can't think of anything. For once, I am 100% speechless. I hate Nico. I hate him with all of my being.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I-I-I UGH" I storm out of the room, and run to Annabeth's cabin. I knock, and open the door when she says I can. As soon as I see her, I start bawling like a baby.

"Will! What happened? Did Nico cheat on you again? I told him not to do that! I can't believe it! Who was it with? Wait... why are you coming to me about it?"

"I-I-It was with Percy. A-And it isn't the first time I have caught them together. I-I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before." Annabeth looked extremely pissed.

"I can't believe this." She said as she threw the door open. I saw her storm across the camp grounds straight towards the Hades cabin. I ran after her, and caught up to her just as she flung the door open faster than she had done with her own door. I gasped as I saw Percy, and Nico going at it again. Annabeth grabbed Percy by the ear, and told me to attract attention. She also grabbed Nico, and threw both of them outside. "These two cheated on their lovers. They thought that it was okay. If you think that they are disgusting human beings.. Thank you. You know what is right in this world." I had my mouth gaped, as she threw the boys back into the Hades cabin. "Continue as you wish." She sneered "Let's go Will, we should eat lunch." She grabbed me by my arm, and pulled me toward the cafeteria.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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