Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the PercyJackson characther all rights reserve to Rick Riordan.

Percy Pov:

The second Gaint War is over and Gaea(The evil Earth Mother) has been defeated and now we are in the Throne room on olympus awaitng the Gods the presents us with our gift.I look as my friend are called out by the Gods to recieve their give of being a immortal demigods to serve at camps. 

"Persues Jackson, Son of Poseidon, Defeater of Kronos and Gaea, Destroyer of all monster , Please Step forward!" Zues announced.

"OMG did Zues just said please to percy?" All my friends muttered around themselves. Annabeth gave me a reassuring smile and I walk forward.

I bowed to Zues and my father. Zues started off.

"For your great service to Olympus and by saving us countless times. The Olympians has decided to make you a God. A fifteen Olympian to be exact. Do you Persues Jackson accept?"

The gear in my brain started working and I thought to myself " All those camper that died fighting each other died a unreasonable death. They could have survive or maybe even died hounorably on the battlefield"

"NO! Lord Zues with all due respect, I'm really greatful for the offer but i would like you to unite the camp together as one. those camper that died fighting one another died in vain as we could not resolve the grudge between the romans and greeks in time . And this time round I'm not asking all of you swear on the river Styx because I trust you." I replied.

"Fine , you are as loyal as ever persues, your wish shall be granted, but I shall make immortal just like your friends and you shall be the Camp Leader of the soon-to-be united camp. And now that this is over , Lets Get the Party Started!" Zues said.

Third Person pov:

Standing in the shadows behind the piilar of the throne room. A guy with brown hair stood there thinking how could this Persues Jackson be so dumb to reject the offer of becoming god and still think of his friends.

" I shall make him suffer and feel betrayal." The Guy muttered to himself.

Authors note: I know maybe this chapter sucks alot with so much speeches. Im really rusty from not writing in awhile so please Bear with it. And as requested for better writing i have spelled out every word evem though im not asure if its correct. And please give me your ideas and where to improve and what i should do. And i'll publish new Chapter every Friday.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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