Time travel: good or bad

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                 First we need to know what is the time,the timeline and how we could travel in time beefore thinking about the consequences.For me the time is the principal and the most important resorce of a human.You could have money or fame or hundres of houses at the beach,in the mountains or in Hawaii,but you cant do anything with thoes whithout time.Think about that:you have lots of money and you want to open a chainstore,but you need TIME to think about a name,you need TIME to find locations,you need TIME to hire workers,ect.The humans came up with time measuring instruments:the roman soldier sticked their spears in the ground and watch the sadow to determinate the hour(the solar clock);the first calendar which had 12 months,everyone starting with a full moon(the babilonian calendar);the complex sistem of spinning wheels which moves the lines which show the second,the minute and the hour(the traditional clock) and the new invented atomic clock which is the most precise clock.

                    The timeline is the path that the time follows.At every question or situation it divides in as many paths as choices ior answers exists.Every day its created a huge number of timelines.If a man needs to take a decision about 612 times a day and the Earth has around 7 billions humans, the average numbers of  timelines created a day is about 4284000000000 x the number of the average decisions made that day.

                    There are modalitis to travel back and forward in time.One of them is beating the speed of light.If you want to go to the future you must to go with the Earths rotation,but if you want to go back you need to go backwards.You will get to the future much easyer becouse you go with the time and the Earths rotation and you dont have any obstacle in your way,if you want to go back in time you will need much more speed becouse thoes 2 advantages which was at the forward time travel will turn against you.Another posibiliti is the wormholes.Newton discovered that the univers is curved and the wormholes are shortcuts trough it.They are black in the middle becouse the light cant escape the blackholes rotation speed.This is the main problem,if you enter in that hole you will bee dismembered cell by cell.

                     The are men on the Earth who want to travel trough the time.They dream about the day when they will travel to the past and see their ancestors or make theyr history homewhork,to help the humanity to evolve faster or  to invent something earlyer than the real inventor and become rich and famous or to the future to see how the human race evolved or to see how they will be in the future.I was one of them until i figured that there are devasteiting consequences which can dramaticaly cange the world.

                     One of them is the Paradox.Thoes who saw  "Doctor Who" know exactli what i am talking about.The paradox is,teoreticaly,when you go to the past and meet yourself and then it erases you from the univers.Why?Imagine the univers like a computer which contains informations about everyones past,prezent and future.If you go back in time,meet your past and talk to him to get over some tough decisions the future need to change some thing making you,the original prezent and your future, with your divided timelines to disappear and forming the new pasts story ,the new prezent and his new future, with an infinity of new timelines but it is to hard for the univers to support that and it will activate a "fail-safe" which erase any other events which deviates from the new main timeline.Teoreticaly,only the newes version of you will exist and the older one will be erased and the new version will never know that he is the result of a paradox.

                   Another problem is the Time Loop.It is when something is repeted in time to infinity,when you go back in the past and your time travel trigers the events that happens in the real past.That makes you think if the paradox and the time loop have some things in common.Well there are some thing in common.Think about that:in your past something inspired you to become what you are today and you want to see that thing or human who inspired you.If you do that you will see that there is no one to inspire you and you will understand that you,or another version of you yourself and in that situation you have 2 decisions:1.continue the time loop and do what the other versions of you which means that you will be stuck in this bubble forever;2.you will not interfere in the events resulting in changind the timeline and activateing a paradox.Every one of thoes choices is bad and it has no escape,but the first one is much batter than the second one becouse you will continue tu exist. and the univers will not change or erase something.

                The Quantum Causality is similar to the paradox but it will not result in eraseing.Thoes are little changes which create other timelines or change the actual prezent.This is not as bad as the others.In fact,this is happening in the prezent too.Think about that:i rote this to let you know what i know,but maybein the future, when the technology will be more advanced than today,someone who want to travel in time will reads this and he will change his mind preventing one of the consequences of time traveling.The priciple of the Quantum Causality is simple.If A is the past,B is the prezent and C is the future than event A causes the event B which caeses the event C.From this result that A causes B and C,C cant couse A and B and B cant couse A.

                    The next one has not a name.You want to travel in the future to see how are you doing there,but when you arrive you notice that you cant find yourself and everyone who knew you say that you disappeared exaxtly when you decided to go to the future.Why?Becouse it is logical that if you go from the prezent to the future in that interval of time you will not exist and you will not be there to age up.Think about this:you go on a road and then you decide to go to a shortcut to get faster to your home.If you do that the men who was on the initial road wont know you.You won time but you may lose some events.

                        Time traveling is simply too dangerous and impossible,in this period of time,becouse we dont have the technology.Now,after i presented you thoes consequences,i want to ask you something:Do you still want to travel in time?

Time travel: good or badWhere stories live. Discover now