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          Scars. Most people don't like scars, then again I'm not "most people". I like scars. But I don't like seeing that people made them themselves. They're there to forever remind you that you know pain. Definitely. But they are also hope. Hope for light and happiness. Scars are marks to remind you of the past. But that's all it is, the past. Scars mean that there's only enough room for hope. They mean that the only thing left is happiness, hope, prosperity, kindness... and acceptance. If I see someone with scars then I give them kindness, I don't give sympathy. I give hope and love, because that's all there's room for now. Everyone has scars. Whether physical, mental, big or small, they're there. I have scars. I don't want sympathy. I don't want to be treated different. So if I see others like me, that's what I give. Hope. Acceptance. Kindness. Light. There's still darkness and pain, I know that.                         

But look forward. If you have hope, share it. If you have light, share it. If you have acceptance, share it. If you have love, share it. Because you know what's it's like to not have those things. Scars show us that there's still hope, so don't take it for granted. Give hope. Give light. Give acceptance. Give all but pain and hatred. Give all but darkness and sorrow. Scars. They are the pain of the past and the hope of the future. Reminders. That's all they are, a reminder that there's no more pain and suffering left for you. Scars. Holes that can and will be filled. Scars. Reminders. Reminders that everything is okay now. Scars. The past. Ancient history that doesn't always need to be dug up. Scars. Simply scars. Simply, unfortunately truth and life. Scars.

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