First Day Of Love?

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Amy POV:

As my alarm clock went off, I groaned out loud. 

"Ugghh. School." I mumbled to myself.

The only reason I got my ass up out that bed was because it was the first day of school.

I jumped out of bed, rushed to the bathroom and did my normal hygiene.

I went back to my room, and put on a black oversized 85 varsity shirt, black leggings, a gold chain, gold hoops, a black and gold gshock, and my Taxi 12s. *In MM.*

I flat ironed my long black hair and threw on a plain black beanie.

I looked in the mirror, pretty satisfied with myself and said out loud- "Damn, when did yo' fine ass arrive to the club?" I did a little dance as I laughed at my own stupidity.

I went downstairs to see my little brother, Jacob and my mom eating breakfast- my dad doesn't live with me. He moved to Florida with his "new" wife when I was like 4. Don't get me wrong,  I still FaceTime him. I don't bash him as a father because he walked out. I understand it doesn't always work out in relationships, so I can't be mad.

My complete household is myself, my mom, my brother and my stepfather, who is currently at work. He's an editor for some hip magazine that I can never remember. I'm not your average teenager, you know? I actually appreciate and like my stepfather. As long as you can love and take care of my mother in particular, and the rest of the family, you'll fit right in. 

"GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!" My mom beamed. 

"What it is ma?" I responded, strolling aimlessly to my little brother.

"Amy, don't say that. That's not how I raised you."

"Alright Alright." I said chuckling "Hey bighead! how'd you sleep?" I cooed running my hands through my brothers hair.

"Stop touching my hair." He said, slapping my hand away.

My brother is 7 years old, but you would swear he was seventeen- my age. I don't know where he got his attitude from but it wasn't from me! 

I flicked his head. "Watch yourself."

"Stop it, both of you. I made some breakfast for you, check on the stove." My mom interrupted.

I gasped loudly and ran to the kitchen, lifting the cover off the pan. 

"Oooh. Eggs, turkey bacon, and cinnamon pancakes? You're the best! Thank you mommmyyy." I cooed.

"Uh-huh. Whatever." She said, wavering me off.

That's where my brothers attitude comes from. 

I began to dig in as my mom stared at me like in a disgusted way. So, I opened my mouth widely to show her all the food on my tongue, so she'd stop looking at me.

"EWWW! AMY STOP IT!" She said, turning her head away.

I laughed out loud, and continued to eat. I looked at my little brother, and he stared at me just like my mom did. I threw a piece of bacon at him, causing him to  shriek.

"Booger." I said under my breath.
"Snothead." He snapped back.

"Stop it!" My mom said.

We both looked at her, shocked at her random outburst.

She stuck her tongue out and my brother and I snickered.

I looked down at my watch, "Crap! It's 7:45 I've gotta go!" I said.

"Language. " my mom said, while walking to the kitchen to get my brother some juice.

I put my plate in the sink, finished my orange juice kissed both my mom and brother good bye, and ran out the door. I definitely cannot be late on the first day.

I fast walked to the bus stop, not too far from my house.

As I was waiting there, I saw my best friend Taylor there talking to her boyfriend, Adam.

"Taylooorrrrrr!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air. 

"Amy! My hitta my hittaa!" she said as if we haven't seen each other in years.

"You act like I didn't just see you yesterday."

"You've got a point." She said waving her hand in the 'ooh you're right' manner.

"Hey Adam." I said.

"Wassup? " he' responded.

"Same shit. Different day. And are you guys ready to FINALLY graduate?"

"Hell yeaah." Taylor said.

Adam just nodded in agreement with his hands in his front pockets.

"I can't stand you people now" she chuckled.

"No Taylor, that doesn't make me feel like less of a person." Adam said sarcastically.

Taylor giggled, kissing him on the cheek.

"I really can't believe we made it this far, I mean it was just yesterday that we were graduating 8th grade." I said, looking up, as I could still picture my 8th grade graduation day.

"Time waits for no one." Adam said nonchalantly.

"Truee." Taylor said.

"I have a feeling that this is gonna be a good year." I said

"Same." Adam said. "I've gotta get on my grind with my grades."

"Shut up. You've been saying that for the past 3 years. You're gonna give up by next Monday." Taylor said, rolling her eyes.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Gimme a chance. Make me look good. Atleast gimme a month till I give up"

Taylor and I started shaking our heads, and began laughing.

And then the bus arrived. Here goes nothing! It's senior year at last.

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