Confrontation : Chapter Twenty-Five

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My vision was blurry as I laid on the ground, coughing as smoke filled my lungs. I tried to stand up to my feet, wobbling as I squinted, attempting to navigate myself through the blazing inferno around me. I heard crying being drown out by the crackling fires that engulfed Jarico's office - Ciellva. I called out for her.

"Ciellva!" I gazed around, before a figure rose out of the flames. I carefully made my way over to them, holding my searing blades. The closer I got, the more the heat made me uncomfortable. A knife was sent hurling my way, my leather shoulder guards thankfully catching it before it could pierce skin. I eyed my attacker, the figure. Though after ogling them for a moment or so, I recognized the burnt form.

Jarico's left arm had been caught in the blast, gravely burned. The black leather stuck to his open wound, blood soaking them.

"You fucking. . .Bitch." He would mummer. He swung another knife at me. I side stepped, though it nicked my ear, causing me great pain. Elven ears were sensitive. I dropped one of my tantos to cup my ear, cursing at my former mentor. "I gave you everything!" He hissed, advancing slowly towards me as I withered in pain. "If I wanted to, I could have just sold you to a brothel! Make a quick buck out of you!" He snatched my fallen tanto, readying himself for battle. "Now look at all you've done. . .AFTER ALL I DID!" Jarico went to plunge my own blade into my gut. I swiftly caught his wrist, the blade gently jabbing my torso. It did not pierce my leather though. I held him there, both of our hands shaking.

"You were going to kill my brother. . .All to bring back Ellie!" I said, my teeth clenched.

"Don't you dare put her name in your mouth again, girl!" He back hand slapped me with his burnt hand, sending me tumbling back. He then screamed in pain, as his arm was charred beyond repair. At least, I was out of range of his attacks.

"She loved you, Jarico! She loved Equinos and I! Would she approve of all of this; What you've done just to bring her back!?" I backed up, circling him.

"I said don't SPEAK OF HER!" He roared, rushing at me. He grabbed me by my neck. He slammed me into the floorboards. I gasped for air, his hands choking me. "I loved you like my daughter, Fae!" His grip tightened, my vision becoming fuzzy, as I was losing my life essence. This wouldn't be the end for me. Not yet. Not to him.

I kicked him off of me, sending my foot into his gut. He rolled against the ground, laying still for a moment, before twitching. I inhaled deeply, before coughing. The both of us were already choking on the smoke as it infected the air.

"You used me as your weapon. . ." I rose up once more, rubbing my neck.

"This is not. . .The time to project your daddy issues on to me!" He snarled. My ears bent back, my blood boiling in my veins. I jogged over to him, stomping on his chest while he was down.

"I needed you! I needed guidance!" I began to sob, pinning him down. I slammed my fists into his chest, beating at his rib cage. I cried out. "Why, Jarico!? Why did you lock him up!? Why did you turn on us?!" I hiccuped, my punches becoming weaker as my rage was doused, leaving only ashes of sorrow. I eventually gave up, my head falling on his chest. I clenched my mask, my ears drooping. "Jarico. . .Why? Why. . ."

"Raising you and your brother brought me no happiness. Only Ellie did. I felt alive with her. I felt. I just want her back. . ." It stung when he said he took no joy in raising me. Though I could see how. For me, at least. "I just want her back. . ." He shut his eyes tightly. "Her eyes would always light up when she saw you. . .She wanted children," He laughed, tears streaming out of his eyes. "and we go you two!" I slowly got off of him, watching him. My mentor, because of one woman, was reduced to a miserable old man.

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