Chapter 2

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I ran up to the bathroom as fast as I could to get the lettuce out. However, when I got there, I found nothing in my teeth. THAT LITTLE STINKER LIED TO ME. As of he heard what I was thinking, I got a text at that exact moment from him saying,
[L]: Just kidding, but I didn't know you could run that fast😂
[M]: You're evil
[L]: Whatever you say, buttercup
[L]: I'm not stopping
[M]: Why?
[L]: Because apparently I'm an asshole

He caught me there. He played that really smooth. I heard a soft knock on my window. MAN THIS KID WON'T LEAVE ME THE FRICK ALONE.
"WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT?" I yelled at him as I opened the window.
"Thanks btw." he said laughing at my obvious distress.

"You can be a real ass, you know that right?"

"I'm actually a pretty stand-up guy. You could learn that if you went out on a date with me, Buttercup." He said with a wink.

"Aww, you have high hopes." I said before turning and shutting my window because I didn't want him to see my blush. Was he being serious? My phone starting buzzing with a call and the screen lit up with his name.

"I know you're thinking about me, Buttercup." He said in a smooth sing-song voice. Gosh golly I love his voice. OMG HIS FRICKIN VOICE. Chill Melanie, it's just a voice, I had to tell myself.

"Man you must be thinking about me naked if you're thinking that hard." He said laughing.


"Melanie, who're you talking to?" My mom said walking into my room.
"Oh just a friend from school." I said all innocent and sweet as if I wasn't about to go all PG-13 on my mother.

"Well try not to shout, we don't want our neighbors to hear you." She said while walking out the door. Liam had lost it.

"Shut up. You know, I really hate you." I said while smiling like a complete fool (a.k.a. my normal face)

"If you hated me you would've hung up a long time ago." He said while moving to watch me through the window. I took the phone away from my ear and pretended to press the hang up button.


"Darn right you'll stop. But I'm gonna hang up on you anyways because I'm tired, so goodnight." I ended the call, drew my curtains and turned out my light. After scrolling on my phone for like an hour and a half, I finally fell asleep.

"Honey, wake up it's time for school."

"I'm up."

"You said that twenty minutes ago. Liam's gonna be here in like 20 minutes so get your butt out of this bed young lady."

"Ugh, I want to be homeschooled."

"Yeah and I wanted a kid who didn't complain, so we're both SOL." She said before slamming my door. I rolled out of bed (quite literally) and crawled to my dresser. It looked pretty cold outside so I grabbed a pair of white leggings, a light blue, baggy sweater and my converse before making my way to the shower. I got in and let the hot water run down my body. After I got out, I tied my brown, wavy hair up in a bun, put on mascara and my glasses. I grabbed my black messenger bag before heading downstairs, and running out the door.

"Good timing, huh?" Liam said while coming out of his house, looking dashing as always.

"Yeah, I guess." I said while making my way to my car, and getting in. Liam came and got in the passenger seat.

"Who said you could ride with me?" I said giving him an odd look.

"Please?" He said giving me that stupid puppy dog stare.

"UGHH, fine." I decoded to making this interesting. I peeled out of the driveway so fast that he was holding on to his seat.

"Scared?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"No, just terrified, that's all." He said looking very fearful for his life.

"Good." I slowed down and turned on the radio to kill the silence. I sang to some tunes while driving. While pulling up to the school I nearly hit 3 jocks, 5 cheerleaders, 6 nerds, and what possibly was our janitor.

"Do you even watch where you're going?" Liam half-screamed.

"What's the fun in that?" I said with a smirk

"I don't know, possibly NOT KILLING PEOPLE????"

"Eh, more parking places to choose from." I said while laughing. "I'm just kidding, I was trying to scare you."

"So you really don't try to endanger peoples' lives while driving?"

"No, we should head in or else we'll be late." We both headed into school and went our separate ways, only seeing each other in lunch and calculus. When the day was over, I had gone to my locker and gotten my books. On my way out to the parking lot, I was digging for my keys in my bag when I ran into someone. That someone just happened to have coffee that went all over me. Everyone saw it and my clothes were stained brown. It had already been a crappy day, but standing in the hallway with everyone laughing at me, something inside me broke. Tears streamed down my face as I ran out the school and to my car. Liam was already there and looked concerned.

"What happened?" He said with care in his eyes.

"HEY SANTIAGO, HAVING A 'CRAPPY' DAY?" Someone yelled from across the parking lot.


"Just shut up and get in the car." I said with my tone ice cold.

"Melanie, I was just try-" Liam started.

"JUST SHUT UP AND GET IN THE DARN CAR." I yelled with my voice breaking. The ride home was silent and brutal. When we got home Liam opened his door as soon as he could only turning around mutter "I'm sorry."

I walked in the house after grabbing my bag and wiping my eyes.

"Honey, you might want to clean up, we're having the new neighbors over for dinner in an hour." My mom called from the kitchen.

Great. Just great.


Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the late update but I plan to start doing an update a week.

~ Meagan

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