My living room

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I'm sitting in my living room on the chair I woke up in my room to find out I was here alone don't know where my parents are why would they leave me? Do they remember I'm here? Whatever they never come back what am I supposed to do? Maybe there's something in the room that can help me find out where they went. I'm in the room now and most of the stuff is gone. Why is there stuff gone? Where did they go? I know I'll try calling my mom is ringing now, she didn't why didn't she answer? She always answers me when I call she always has her phone on her. Mini my Uncle Wayne knows where they are. Yes it's ringing he answered." What why would he say that?" She said hello who is this? My brother-in-law and his wife haven't lived there for 10 years. I don't understand how what does this mean are they going to they forget me? I have no food here what am I going to eat?  Where did they go ? I will figure this out. Walking on the street now and no one is noticing me. Maybe I should try talking to them. What if they don't answer me? Im walking down the street looking through all,of the windows thinking what if I never find my patents what if Im alone for the rest of my life? I'm at the store now find food for me to eat. What should I get? I'm at the register now I'm getting ready to ask how much my food is? I have my food now and I'm back at my house.

I was forgotten and now I know whyWhere stories live. Discover now