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Xu Minghao

After that magical moment, I headed to my class and took a seat at the back.

As usual, everyone was catching up. Talking about their summer and how they've missed each other. Soon, Jun and his friend Mingyu entered the class. The room went silent for a while, giving them a grand entrance. They were both the visual of the school anyways. Girls' jaw dropped and some guys were angered at the reaction those two were getting. It wasn't new for me. Jun and Mingyu has been my classmate last year as well. They took a seat in the table next to me and everyone was back to their own business.

The teacher entered and introduce himself.

"Goodmorning everyone i'm mr. Park and i'll be your adviser for your senior year."

"And we'll have a new classmate. Please enter the class." Mr. Park called out. A tall man with great figures and rounded glasses entered the room. Everyone was shocked on how attractive he is. Not me though, I have my eyes for someone else.

"Hey Hao. Minghao!" Mingyu whispered from the table beside me.


"We're friends right?" — we're actually just acquaintances— "can Jun sit next to you?" He asked with both eyes staring at me. I nod my head and Jun took the seat next to me.

We're sharing a table, I repeat we're actually sharing a table.

"Sorry it was sudden. He was lovestruck by the new guy." Jun apologized. I don't even care if he was forced to sit next to me, I like it.

"It's okay."

"Good morning everyone, i'm Jeon Wonwoo. Please take care of me." The new guy introduced.

"Please occupy the seat beside Kim Mingyu." Mr. Park directed so Wonwoo followed.

"What the hell, it actually worked." I heard jun said quietly so I let out a small chuckle. I discovered something new about him today. He actually cared and will do everything for the happiness of others. How sweet.

It's now the time that we can't avoid. The dreaded part everyone hate during the first day, introductions.

"Everyone will introduce themselves. Say your full name, what we should call you, hobbies and one fact about you." Mr. Park announced earning a groan from the students, even from me. Back then, all we have to do is to say our names and that's it but now, you have to say so many things.

Everyone introduce themselves and now it was Jun's turn.

"My name is Wen Junhui or Mun Junhui in Korean but I prefered to be called Jun. I like acting and a little modeling and one thing you don't know about me is that I did taekwando."

Everyone knew that. To be honest, he doesn't even need to introduce himself anymore because everyone knew him and everyone knew him well.

"Hey it's your turn." Jun nudge me. Once I was snapped back to reality, I stand up and introduce myself.

"I'm Xu Minghao and my korean name is Seo Myeongho but you can simply call me Hao. I love to dance and one fact you didn't know about me is that I do b-boying."

"You dance?" Jun asked once I sat down.

"Well yeah, sort of." I replied with a shrug. Why is he making my heart flutter? Why does he has this effect on me?

"That's cool." He just commented. The next one to introduce himself was Wonwoo.

"Hi i'm Jeon Wonwoo and you can call me whatever you want. I like reading and the thing you don't know about me is that my glasses are real. Someone asked"— he said while looking at mingyu who's grinning at him —"if they are real and they were. I have a poor eyesight." And then it was mingyu's turn.

"As you all know, i'm Kim Mingyu. You can call me mingyu. I love rapping and studying." Everyone laughed and snickered at his sarcasm.

"And one fact that you don't know about me is that i'm a husband material." He finished it of with a wink leaving all the girls swooned and the guys laughing at his cockiness. Once everyone introduced themselves, the teacher gave us the rest of the class to get to know each other.

"You're the guy infront of my locker a while ago right?" Jun asked after talking to some friends.

"Oh yeah, sorry for that."

"Oh it's okay. Since we're both chinese let's be friends. I'm Wen Junhui." He said offering a hand.

"I'm Xu Minghao. Nice meeting you." I took his hand and shaked it. Ohmygosh the sparks. After that small conversation, the bell rang signalling it was lunch.

"I have to go. Nice meeting you too Hao." He stood up and went to Mingyu.

"Stop flirting let's go i'm hungry." He said before they both went out. I grab my bag and went to the cafeteria to be greeted by Chan.

"You would not believe what happened at class." I said in awe.

"Let's talk about this while eating." We ate our lunch and I told him everything.

"You're finally making progress!! I'm so proud of my baby!" Chan said while messing my hair.

"Yah i'm older than you!" I scolded.

"And stop messing my hair, I need to look good for Jun."


A/N: forgive me for being such a Junhao trash (^o^)(^o^)


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