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"Children born without families are the most vulnerable people in the world" - Unknown

Jordyn's POV

Dear Journal,

I'm so tired of being in so many extracurricular activities, even though activities like these are basically my identity in this school. Without having any of these, I would be known as just a lousy little orphan abandoned by her parents at birth. But the truth is, I have to go through the pain of all these activities because it is not even close to the pain that I receive at Ms. Langston's house. Ms. Langston is an unmarried woman in her 50s that has adopted us. When I say us, I mean the whole gang, Me, Jaden, Mary, and David. We were all born into families that didn't want us, and that put us up for adoption within the first 2 months of our lives. Coincidentally, all five of us were put up for adoption on the same day, in the same hour, and Social Services believed that we all had a connection, and we do. Therefore, Social Services required that we all were to be adopted by the same family, and kept together. Ms. Langston adopted us, and very brutally tortured us all. Me, being the very oldest, had to endure a lot of that pain or my friends would get hurt. We had a choice of either each other, or families without ms Langston, and though the idea of not having ms Langston as a owner, we could not imagine living without our friends. So, as you probably can tell journal, my life would be incomplete without my friends.

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