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You had quite the day. Jason had invited you to go shopping. You try to decline but she had convinced you that you wpuld be the perfect shopping partners as you both wear the same size of pants, albeit hers is longer. Through puppy dog eyes and some bribing of your favorite cupcakes you finally agreed.

The last stop you guys had was a bridal shop because Jason claimed that she needed an inspiration for a show. You were going to protest but she mentioned the free mimosas so you refrained from complaining. After all, free booze is free booze.

The first dress she had you try on was big and puffy. The second one was a little too revealing, someting Katya would wear actually. The third one got you gasping though. It's a Lace and Tulle, 3/4 sleeve a line dress. Which you are actually wearing at the moment because the clerk had spilled the mimosas all over your clothes. And since the dress is one of their overly used samples, they just told you to return tomorrow.

"Hey let's fix your hair too so it matches your dress!" Jason said happily. And you know when he is in a mood like this, there is no stopping him. Oh how you can't wait for your boyfriend's reaction when he sees you in a wedding dress.


"What the fuck happened now..." you curse as you hear the alarm coming from the house as you pull up. As fast as you could, you made your way inside, desperate to find where the love of your life is.

"Brian, Brian... BRIAN!!!" you screamed as you made your way to the loving room. There in the middle of the living room was you found who you were looking for. But you can not feel relieve just yet as he seems to be unconcious. "Babe... Babe... Please talk to me. Brian!"

"Y/N... Sweety you came!" he said weakly, his eyes fluttering. "I'm sorry... I was-"

"Sshhh... We can talk about it later. Let me call for help."

"I'm sleepy..." he says.

"Stay with me baby..." you say through tears.

"Sweety, there's something in my pocket. Can you get it?" he says. You can't find it in you to protest so you did as he say.

"Is it this?" you asked. Weakly he opened the pink velvet pouch. Then a ring materialized.

"I was about to get dinner started when I sudenly felt ill. This was supposed to be a special night..." Brian said, his maybe closed but that didn't stop his tears. "Will you marry me Y/N?"

It was such a bittersweet moment. Here he is laying in your eyes possibly suffering from a concussion yet he still find the strength to propose to you.

"Of course..." you say.

"What is that? My hearing is failing me..."

"Yes. Brian, I will marry you!" you say. He smiled. It wasn't a weak smile though. Instead it was a really big happy ine.

"You hear that everyone?"


Then as if nothing happened, Brian got up and offered a hand to you. But instead of taking it, you stood up on your own and started slapping him in the chest with him still smiling.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On?" you say through gritted teeth.

"You'll see" he said as he grab your hands and steal a quick peck. "Ladies?"

From the corner of your eye you could see your girlfriends in matching pink dresses. Your parents is also there, both misty eyed.

"Daddy? What's going on?" you asked confusedly. "Mommy..."

"You'll see sweetheart, you'll see." your dad said as you felt something being place in your head. It was a veil.

"But know that Brian love you very much." your mom say, making you pout.

It's no secret that they love Brian. After all, they had seen a few shows of him before the two of you met. That and Brian is just really great. But not today. He is being such an asshole to you right now. He knows well how you hate being on the outside and yet that's the position he put you in right now.

Your dad offered you his arm, which you took and your mom stood on your other side. Upon reaching the sliding door that leads to the back yard, someone place a boquet on your hand. It was Jason. He was in on it too. Oh he is gonna get it too after you finished woth Brian.

Upon reaching outside, you see that your spacious backyard had been turned into something else. There was dark pink carpet in the middle aisle between the colum of benches. On the other end was Brian who is now wearing a tuzedo and his dad, also there stood another man you don't quite recognize.

Then it hit you. The wedding dress. An aisle. Guests. Pastor. Your parents. And now the wedding march. You are getting married today!

The rest of the ceremony came and past and your annoyance of him is just about gone. After all you can have your revenge once the cake cutting starts. Oh there better be cake!


"You're such an asshole, you know that?" you say as you dance with your now husband.

"But you love me anyway..." he says as he lean his forehead against yours.

"Very much..." you say. "I still can't believe you pulled it off though..."

"What can I say? Everything's possible in love." Brian said with a smile. "I love you Misis McCook."

"I love you too Mr. McCook!" you replied. And as your lips met yet again that night, the sky suddenly lit up in fireworks. "More surprises?"

"Oh, hunny the surface had barely been scratched..."

A/N: This is my first Katya fic. While I am a big fan of Raja, Katya is one of my favorites too. After all, his male counterpart shares a name with someone I really love. 😆

Let me know what you think everyone!


Crazy. Stupid. Love. (One Shots. Katya/Brian xReader)Where stories live. Discover now