Chapter 1

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 *****AUTHORS NOTE*****

Hey readers :) So this is the first chapter of my new fanfic! So excited to finally be able to share it with you all :D Hope you like it and leave comments to say what you think! Thank you all enjoy! x

I woke to the sounds of screaming and cheering. I opened my eyes and spotted Niall, my bandmate and best friend standing by the window waving and grinning. I smiled at the sight.

"Hey Harry you're awake!" he smiled at me and ushered me over to the window. "Look!".

I ran my fingers through my messy bed head and looked out the window where a couple hundred people were already gathered outside our hotel. I gave a smile and waved to them earning a roar of screams.

I chuckled and poured two glasses of orange juice and handed one to Niall.

"Are the boys awake yet?" I asked, referring to Liam, Louis and Zayn, the other members of our band, One Direction.  

"Nope. But we should wake them soon, our plane for Miami leaves at 12" Niall replied checking his phone for the time, which turned out to be 8:30.

We both got dressed and at 9, our hair stylist, Louise came to do our hair for the day.

"Excited for Miami?" she asked me as she blow dried my hair into a messy quiffed style.

"Yeah actually. I've missed being there. I can't wait to be back in the sun" I told her.

At 9:30 Paul, our tour manager and bodyguard arrived in the now busy hotel room. Louis and Liam had joined the crew and we were all munching on the fruit basket the hotel had given us.

"Almost ready lads?" he asked us clapping his hands together.

"Zayn's not!" Louis shouted over the noise of the hair dryer.

Sure enough, as usual, Zayn was still curled up in bed when I went to check on him. I pulled back  the starched white hotel sheets.

"C'mon wakeywakey Zayn" I told him. He groaned in response and tried to pull the sheets back up but Paul arrived in the room and literally dragged him out of bed. despite our delay, we all managed to be in the hotel lobby at 10 am.

"You all enjoyed your stay yes?" The chirpy hotel manager asked us.

"Yes thank you" I replied.

"And thanks for the fruit basket" Niall added.

I looked out the door and saw that the crowd outside the hotel had grown. The couple of hundred fans had turned into about 500 and there weren't just fans. Paparazzi surrounded the hotel, as usual. The brightly coloured signs made by fans made me smile. They were always so creative and funny. One said "1D are my superheroes" and another read "Marry me Harry?".

"Ready?" Paul asked us once again and we all nodded as her opened the doors.

Several large men dressed in black walked in-front and behind us. The bright flashes of the paps cameras blinded me and I  put my head down and shielded my eyes.




Their shouts were endless, some of them hurtful but I had learned to block out the bad ones. I gave a smirk and a wave, making the fans go wild and put my head down walking swiftly towards the tour bus.

Once we were all safely inside we did a final head count and drove off, headed towards the airport where out private jet awaited us. Zayn and Liam flopped down onto the couches and Niall slid into his bunk, probably drifting off to sleep again. Louis picked up his phone and walked into the bathroom to talk to his girlfriend, Eleanor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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