I need to tell you something.

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Brooke's POV

This is it. I'm booking the plane tickets. Once I've paid for these, there's no going back.
I sighed before clicking on book now and I entered in all my card details. 5706... ha, you guys thought.
I gulped once I had everything entered and I looked at my mum who was sitting on my desk chair.
"Is this the right choice mum?" I asked.
"Look, Brooke hunny. If this is about lee then he'll understand, I promise." She said softly and I sighed.
"I don't know. It's not only lee I'm leaving behind. It's you, Stephanie and I hate to say it but even Caleb." I said. Yes ok, I know I said that I hated him but he has grown on me. He's not actually that bad.
"I'll be fine, Steph will be fine and Caleb will be fine. We can come visit you or you can come and visit us. I'm not going to pressure you into something that you don't want to do but once you click on that button, there's no going back." Mum said and breathed out the breath that I didn't even realise I was holding in.
"That's the thing. I don't know if I can click this certain button." I said, bashing my head back onto the headboard.
"I'm going to head out for work now, just think about it. Do what you think is right." My mum smiled, standing up and walking over to me, pecking my forehead.
"I love you no matter what ok? So does lee." She said softly before walking out of the room.

Once I heard the front door open and close, signalling she had left for work, I threw my laptop down in frustration. Making a decision shouldn't be so hard. Do I go or stay? Let's list the pros and cons about this situation.
Pros for going:
• I can go back to America and possibly meet up with my American family.
• My singing career will continue, meaning I could make an album.
• I could do a meet up for all my American fans because without them, I wouldn't be where I am today.
• I can enjoy the sunny weather.
• And finally, I can try out a long distance relationship.

Cons for going:
• I'm not going to see lee or my mum or Steph or anyone that I care about.
• Everything I have back here would be gone.
• And lastly... what if that long distance relationship just doesn't work? What if everything we have, falls apart?

Ok, there's definitely more pros. God help me.

I sighed but clicked on the button that I never thought I would click on tonight and I had purchased the tickets. Well shit. Looks like there's no turning back now.

"Come and give me some loving. I miss you. You need to come up to mine in a soon, my parents can't wait to meet you." Lee grinned down FaceTime. I gulped, he still doesn't know I'm leaving. I'm too scared to tell him.
"Yeah of course. I'll pop up soon." I said, forcing on a smile. All I wanted to do right now was cry and hug lee. Even being like a four hour drive away from him is bad enough and if I'm going to America, I'm not only going to be far away, I'm also going to be in a complete different country to him with a complete different time zone.
"Lee." I sighed.
"Brooke." He mocked.
"I need to tell you something." I said, sucking in a deep breath.
"Is everything ok?" He asked and I nodded, letting out the breath and I smiled.
"Everything's fine. I just love and miss you lots." I said. Damn you Brooke. You're meant to tell him. If I don't tell him sooner or later, he's going to find out and hate me. I'm leaving in a few days.

This is all too much.


I'm sorry this is such a short update. I'm having wifi problems which means that I'm having to live off my 4G :(
I'll make up for it with a longer chapter on Friday :)))

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