Part 3: Angels and Demons

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It's been over 3 years since that day. Vicky was missing, and so was her father. Stepped down as head of the charity to pursue the man that they couldn't catch. He stormed out of the office that day like a bear in search of a cub. He wasn't much of a threat to Amanda, who was now in charge of the whole facility. Rather, she was hoping her ex husband would lead them to Vincent. She reveled in the thought of the old soldier going out for one last mission. Sitting back in the same burgundy chair he used to sit in, smiling all the same.

Augustus was not the type to wait for the enemy. He was a hunter. During the war, his team was sent out to sniff out and eradicate their targets. The "Bloodhounds" was the type of Special Ops group that most had nightmares about; and whatever, terrible and horrific things you could come up with they were more than well founded in reality. No stone was ever unturned in their investigations; and anything was legal in their eyes. One would think that Augustus was working with more limited resources now that he was absent from The Charity. On the contrary however, plenty of the generals he served back then are still in their chairs now, and they were always willing to help whenever he asked for favors. Who needs a castle full of secrets when you have a world's military at your whim? As of right now he was smiling, looking at a piece of paper with an address in Seattle. "I've found you, bastard!" He said as he inputted the address into his GPS. "You will pay what you owe"

The car roared as he pressed the pedal, he only had 200 miles to go. According to the documents, Vincent was suspected to be moving from place to place. For whatever reason, he was nomadic, leaving very little trace of his whereabouts. All the Military had to go by was large rental purchases that seem to have always come months in advance, which means he bought several throughout the United States. These places seemed to also contain wide open spaces, like warehouses, and were always nearby a large resource. Like a Warehouse next to Indian Point, or a large tunnel underneath the Hoover Dam. The Military had been coordinating with various organizations for years to try and sniff them all out. So far they've narrowed down at least 4 possible locations. All of which are in Seattle, Washington. But Augustus had a hunch on the one Vincent chose.

There was an old waterway on the outskirts of the city. Near that waterway was a large bomb shelter. He was there long ago, chasing down another rogue scientist that used to work for the charity. The shelter was originally made to curb public fears of a nuclear warhead decimating anyone in the quiet city. It had many small rooms for families, (perfect for lab specimens); and a large, wide open hall for announcements should the inevitable happen. On top of that, most of the old wirework still functioned even after the charity cleaned up in there. It was a perfect place to hide, considering Elementals couldn't sense his location, someone would have to go out there way to come and physically look for him. And no normal person goes down there, perfect hideaway.

Augustus arrived with fire in his eyes. Angered that Vincent had led him to the very place that caused him to take the job he would ultimately regret. There was no room in his head for questions, he only wanted action. He only wanted results. And as he pulled up to the once abandoned shelter, he intended to get them.

He parked the car on the side of the road. Turning off the engine, and quietly listening for sounds that were far from crickets. He popped the door ever quietly, again, listening. He observed the exterior of the shelter, it looked very much unturned. But someone had been here recently, he just knew it. The silence signaled that he was the only one here, so he took the small flashlight from his jacket and pressed the button to activate it. Scanning the ground, he found the evidence he was looking for, large tire tracks, which appeared to be from some big rigs. These were recent, and were leading towards the shelter. No commercial or federal contractors have used this building in decades; which gave more evidence to the idea that Vincent was here. He put the flashlight back in his pocket. For now it was no longer needed. He required better tools now. He walked back to his car and unlocked the trunk with his engine key. What was in the trunk was, more or less, his personal war chest. Rifles, handguns, grenades, and body armor laid sprawled out across the trunk. He removed his jacket and put on the dragon skin he got from the military. He took out a M119A1 and chose a P90 as he was sure that if he had to fight it would be a close quarter affair. He then took three grenades, a normal fragmentation grenade, and two incendiaries; and closed the trunk. It was now time to approach the only entrance. Unfortunately it was the front.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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