Act 8: Small Shock

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Art by the awesome: AyeeeeHope


(Sans Pov)

After returning to the living room, I decided to ponder my options.

"what could've possibly triggered something like that to happen?" I began to think over and over through my mind. I started to retrace my steps

"the kid," I stated, "it started with the kid. in the hall. some kind of burning......emotion.....or.....feeling. I don't know."

I couldn't understand, seriously what started all of this?

"focus, just focus," I calmed myself, "i can figure this out."

"okay, my violent emotions from the kid's homicidal actions caused some sort of arcane magic to surface," I started sorting out this situation, "but what kind of magic would do that. i was a beast, right. so, what's the only thing I have like that....the canons."

"extensive use of the canons, enhancements, too much magical development," I recited parts of the reports from earlier, "dangerous."

I began piecing everything together, afterwards I found the answer.

"my blasters are the problem," I cried out loud with a hint of joy, before sitting down with sadness, "he.....h-he did this, to me! my own-........!"

I started pouting, I remembered them all. The tests, the experiments. He wanted so much to help me, help protect me. If he was here now, who knows what he'd say.

I must of zoned out, I hardly noticed Papyrus come through the door. He had to shake me back into reality.

"Sans are you there?" he said worriedly.

" bro. must've zoned out or somethin," I responded.

"Oh good, you know I can not have you dozing off before supper. It could possibly spoil the meal," he began to act cheerful, like he usually does.

He headed straight to the kitchen before I could ask him anything. He probably doesn't want to talk right now. I headed towards my room, to write this sudden discovery down.

Once in my room, I grabbed a spare notebook. I quickly wrote some notes down inside of the notebook. Before I could even exit the room my computer started beeping the classic noise of the Undernet.

I looked at my inbox, '1 new message.'

"heh, it's alphys, here we go," I said as I sat at my computer.

CutieNerd1: Hey Sans, how you doing?

MasterO'Punz: not much, you?

CutieNerd1: Well, Papyrus came to see me today. Just wondering if you feel like, well you know, doing that again.

MasterO'Punz: no al just, no. i am lookin at status reports and i think i got an answer. for what happened.

CutieNerd1: Oh I do too, but you should probably share yours first. Heheh. -w-'

MasterO'Punz: k. so i read the old status reports about these beams of mine. they're called, 'gaster blasters'.

ya, ya, you know who made 'em, s'in the name. but in the reports he said that the blasters were for enhancements, and could cause too much magical development.

so from that i theorized that i lost control of my arcane magic and that happened.

CutieNerd1: Oh. Well mine was that it was hereditary or something like that. Just to say I didn't have a solid theory. -w-'

We will need to actually discuss this in person. Stay safe. Bye Sans.

MasterO'Punz: ya thanks al. c'ya.

I turned off my computer and left the room. The wondrous aroma of Paps's cooking filled the air. Now here's a disclaimer, Papyrus's food smells amazing. Taste is a different thing.

I don't really complain, it's not like I can do any better. And it's great having someone do it for you, laziness to an extreme. Like always.

"It is almost ready Sans," Papyrus said noticing my smelling of the air.

"smells great bro," I answered, "can't wait to eat it." I sat myself on the couch and picked up my quantum physics/joke book. I started flipping through the pun pages, I chuckled at a particularly bad one. Papyrus scoffed at my laughter, guess he could tell it was a pun.

I began to doze off.

"Hello Sans. Did you really think you could get rid of me? Hahahahaha! Let's have some fun."


I shot back up, breathing heavy. My chest began to burn, and that same deep emotion of anger from earlier surfaced again. I toppled over to the ground, my left eye started flashing fiery blue and yellow.

Papyrus looked at me with concern, "Sans? Is everything o-" He was cut off by the telltale crack of my bones reforming. I screamed out in pain.

"Sans is it that again?" Papyrus called out while he rushed to my side, "Please brother calm down. Nothing can hurt you, no one can harm you. We are safe. Please calm down."

Papyrus began to hug me tightly, tears falling from his face. My now slight sharp hands returned his embrace.

Then it stopped.

The feelings of hatred, the changing, and my eye socket burning, it all stopped. I too began to cry, as the beginnings of my transformation reformed to their normal positions.

Everything calmed down, I was normal again. Papyrus looked at me, as he whipped away a tear.

"Is everything alright," Papyrus questioned, "Sans?" I cleared my throat and answered, "ya bro, just a little panic attack. s'all."

"Well you really scared me," Paps stated as we both stood up, "guess I better give Alphys an update. Sans, what caused.........that?"

I was about to blow it off with an excuse because I didn't know, but I remembered the dream. That voice, it made me so mad.

That's it, the arcane magic is affected by my emotional state. I need to talk to Alphys.

"must've just had a bad dream, bro. s'all. no need to worry," I responded. "Oh, well the best thing is that it is over now. Supper is done, but if you need to rest instead I will let that slide. This time," Papyrus reassured me.

"i think i'm gonna take a break, i'm goin to my room," I informed Papyrus as I began to slowly ascend the stairs, "sorry bro."

"Sans it is very much okay," Paps said sweetly, "you just rest call if you need something." He returned to the kitchen.

Once in my room, I jumped onto my bed. "how could I just lose control like that," I thought to myself, "and in front of papyrus. no. calm down sans. keep your cool."

I closed my eye sockets and relaxed. I'll just go see Alphys tomorrow.


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