Chapter 1

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 The leaves danced in the air, above Crymentave. The wind had a forceful wind that almost blew her away, literally. Crymentave could hear her parent's voices, calling her to dinner. But she didn't come, let alone answer. She was a rebel, unlike her sweet, goody-two-shoes little sister, Tostroaila.

Suddenly, Tostroaila was tugging at her beautiful leg, which annoyed Crymentave sooo much she wanted to murder her little sister. But Crymentave didn't kill Tostroaila, because she knew her parents would give her a long lecture. IT WAS SO UNFAIR!!!!1!11!111! Crymentave should have the right to kill her sister and save the world from evil cause' her sister was planning to take over the world but no one knew it... yet... and no commas.

Crymetave's eyes narrowed, glaring at Tostroaila. "What do you want?" She growled through her sharp teeth.

Tostroaila made an innocent face."I--I came to... uh... tell you th-that dinner is... uh... ready!" The fear in Tostroaila's eyes made Crymentave smirk. "Please come." She made a puppy dog face.

Crymentave smiled and patted her sister's face. "Hah... How should I trust you?"

"Because I am trustingful!" Tostroaila's voice was getting more confident now, but she still looked terrified..

Crymentave patted Tostroaila's head. "Trustingful isn't a word." She hissed.

"Well, IT IS NOW!!!!!1!!!!1111!" Tostroaila yelled back, but flinched immediately after saying that in regret.

Crymentave's eyes widened. She grabbed her sister by the foot and then tied her upside down to a tree. Crymentave laughed at her sister's screams and cries. "Think before you speak , little sister. Otherwise... YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!111!!!!1!!!11!"

Crymentave ran off, laughing evilly.


"Mama! Dada! I'm gonna be a hero when I'm older!"

"No one cares."

"I care!"

"Except you. You're not gonna be a hero. Face it."

"NO!! You can't tell me what to do!"


Crymentave sniffed as she remembered the scene with her parents. She WOULD save someone and be the hero. But there was no one to save. No mission for her to go on. Crymentave walked in a strange forest.

Suddenly, she saw a whiff of blue rush past her. Maybe this is a villan trying to hurt people. I'll stop them for sure, Crymentave thought, narrowing her eyes. She grabbed the nearest twig, knowing that this would make an excellent sword.

"Who's there?" Crymentave growled, looking around. She swung her stick threateningly. "I'll hurt you if you try to hurt mea!"

Suddenly the blue figure rushed past her again, and she swung the stick at then figure and it fell to the ground.

"Aha! Great power..." The figure said, standing up. They locked eyes with Crymentave. "My name is Splaarlot. Do you know of anyone with the name of 'Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj'?"

"Do you the surname of this person?" Crymentave asked. She knew Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj was a pretty common name, so she'd need more clues to figure this out.

"Hmmm... it was Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj Fvkuagkvgakudfvbkajfbvhakehfbvkaer... if I remember correctly..." Splaarlot replied.

"Do you mean Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj ftrezdgkfgyugthfdtdct?"


"Then I don't, sorry..." Crymentave said sadly... She wanted to be someone's hero. Suddenly an idea came to her. "I could help you find Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj if you'd like..."


"Why not?"

"Wait- what?"

"I offered to help you find Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj."

"Sure. Why not."

"What does this 'Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj' look like?" Crymentave asked.

Splaarlot sighed. "She has long and flowing dark hair and dark olive skin... She usually wears long and flowing dark robes and dresses to match her hair." They paused. "Ruyfhgaekubgfvaemrubgvamwj usually carries around a leather notebook with a black pen attached to the side..."

Crymentave looked into their dark blue eyes, only to find deep sadness. "Okay. Do you know where she might be?" She asked.

"Perhaps, but it's a long way to Kaito Cheese Paul land." Splaarlot said, a tone a determination in their voice.

Crymentave had heard of Kaito Cheese Paul Land many times, and knew it was a very dangerous place. "I know it's a dangerous journey there, but I'll do it."

"Good. Let's get going." Splaarlot replied.

The two of them then began to walk into the deep and thick forest, no fear holding them back.


Crymentave was collecting wood for the campfire when she heard a sound. "Who's there?" She hissed, knowing that she could easily hurt someone or something with her magical stick.

"Crymenatve, is that you?" Whispered a smol but strong voice.

"Tostroaila?" Crymentave looked around, confused. She had no idea where this figure was.

"No, I'm not Tostroaila..." The voice whispered.

Crymentave grabbed two sticks and began to rub them together, trying to set them on fire. They soon burst into flames. Crymentave looked up. "Who are yo-" She saw now. This being had dark talons and wore a dark blue robe. She had electric blue eyes and an electric blue streak of hair.

"Na... Laonaglia..."

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