Kim Taehyung was a rising K pop idol. Admired and loved by many across the world, who would think he had time to spend it with a lowly Busan girl. You did.
Y/N a Busan girl with parents who weren't particularly well off. Who would of thought that you would, 1: ever get the amount of money to meet him or 2: Ever think that HE would like or even acknowledge your presence. You did.
Over the past few months you had been getting quite close to this guy you met online. You had stumbled across him after he liked one of your Instagram pictures and messaged you saying he liked your interpretation of the fan-art you drew.
That Instagram picture was a fan-art of Taehyung from BTS.
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(Credit goes to original artist)
You guys had been talking and you both soon realised that you both had a lot in common. You liked the same kind of music, food, style and even had a friend you both knew. That friend was Jimin Park of BTS.
You wouldn't consider him a best friend, but he was your classmate and seat partner so you had your fair share of conversations. You hadn't seen him since the last high school reunion and that had been weeks if not months ago.
You guys never talked often but he occasionally would get you tickets if he could but that was only if their was a concert in the city. He also invited all his classmates so you weren't special. However, the boy you were talking with was very good friends with him. So good friends you were surprised you had never met him at a group meeting or get together.
You then remembered he lived in Seoul and you lived in Busan so the chances of him bringing a friend were slim.
You kept talking for weeks until he finally decided he wanted to meet you in person. You were confused slightly at how he was going to come see you when even talking to you was taking time out of his busy schedule, a piece of information you had learned early in your conversations, or how he was going to afford it or even find you if he made it.
He told you not to worry and how he would sort things out soon, but one thought tugged at the back of your mind. You didn't know his name and he didn't know yours. You had no idea of what he looked like though he knew your face very well with the amount of selfies you had on Instagram. Therefore how would you know it was him? How did you know you could trust him?
Days passed and you received a message telling you to go to the Busan train station and wait next to a bench closest to the exit. It was from him so you knew you were going to meet him you were so excited yet nervous at the same time.
You put on your nicest outfit and headed to the train station. You were waiting for him when you got a text saying 'Where are you? I look like this so if you see me come say hi so we can go'
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You felt as though you had seen the face before but you paid no attention and kept the picture open so you could find him. After about 5 minutes of pushing through crowds you found him waiting at a bench pacing, biting his nails as though he was worried.
You walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder before seeing him turn around hurriedly and staring at you. You stepped back and smiled. He quickly pulled out his phone and scrolled up and down a few times before flicking his eyes from the screen to your face, then back to the screen. After a few awkward seconds, he cleared his throat and spoke up
"Are you Y/N?" he asked, his words unclear underneath his face mask. You responded with a small smile and a quiet hum. His eyes seemed to sparkle above his mask and he took hold of your hand and forcefully pushed his way through the crowds so you had room to speak clearer and easier.
Once you had made it outside he went to a small coffee shop in the area and picked a small booth at the back of the cafe and pulled down his mask. With a big box-shaped smile he said "Sorry we had to sit at the back of the cafe it's just i can't let people see my face or you might die!" He finished the remark with a small chuckle while you looked at him with a horrified expression. Not once in any of your conversations had he made such a horrifying statement.
He saw your confused and horrified face and his smile quickly changed to a frown. He perked up with "Do you not know who i am?" You shook your head slowly even more confused as to how you should know who he was. He wasn't a big deal? Was he? He let out a sigh of relief and looked back up to meet your gaze. He took a deep breath and said in a whisper "My name is Kim Taehyung: Better known as V from the band BTS, but that has to be a secret!" He said with a cheeky wink. Then it all started making sense.
The busy schedule, The mask, The face, The friend he knew so well that you had mysteriously never met. He was Kim Taehyung from BTS and you were meeting him.
You smiled to yourself, thinking of all the time you had spent together and how he had taken time to come see you. You knew you were going to be friends and you felt so honoured to have met the one person you looked up to most.
You both made small talk and talked for what seemed like hours. He had mentioned how he was going to go find a hotel to stay in, but you perked up and told him that there was a spare bedroom at your house that he could stay in. He rejected the idea at first but soon warmed up to the idea, it ending with him sleeping in the room next door and you lying awake in your bed thinking about the boy next door.
Around 20 minutes after he had gone to his room, you heard the door creak open and the sound of shuffling bed sheets and warm arms around your waist, a head nestled in the crook of your neck. You tried to turn round but the grip on you was so tight you couldn't move. A small mumble came from behind you followed by a whisper "I really like you, I have done ever since Chim Chim showed me your Instagram, so let me lie here for a bit, I was so cold and lonely on my own." To which you replied