Chapter 1

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​  "Thank you, Devin. Now, today's weather forecast, sunny with a 10% chance of rain."
​   Sky Evergreen placed her coffee mug down onto her oak dining room table and lowered the volume on her crackly radio. She stood up and stretched. Wonderful, sunny sky's and a cool, August breeze was exactly what she needed right now. She had been cooped up in her tiny apartment long enough and was ready to get out, at least for a couple of hours. A massive blanket of snow had been dumped straight out of the sky onto the capital city of Portland, Oregon where she and her 5 year old son lived.
   Walking silently into the living room, Sky watched as Jake played with his toy cars on the stained carpet. Some of his cars were missing wheels and other small parts, but still, a smile lit on his face. His soft, blonde curls fell to his golden eyelashes, complementing his deep, ocean blue eyes. He was small for his age, but never complained about anything. Sky thanked God for him everyday, not knowing where she would be if it wasn't for him. Looking up from his silent play, Jake caught Sky's gaze and grinned up at her. He was always smiling. Sunlight spilled in from an open, dusty living room window, enlightened all of Jake from behind. He was the spitting image of Noah. 
    ​Noah, gone for 5 years now. He had been the most loving husband, always helping, always comforting. He always trusted and believed that God would keep them through anything that came their way. She and Noah had been best friends in college and had married as soon as they finished school. Sky's parents had died in a car accident when she was a teen, so when she had walked down the isle towards Noah, she had been alone. Noah's parents had seemingly taken her in though as one of their very own. They had loved her and had told her countless times that they always would. Six weeks though after she had announced to Noah that he was going to be a father, He fell gravely ill and never regained conscious. After hearing of their beloved son's death, Noah's parents had vanished off the face of the earth. None of the doctors had been able to tell her what had happened to Noah, what had ultimately claimed his life, leaving her heartbroken, alone, and devastated. Eventually, she had pulled through, knowing back then that she had to survive for her and Noah's only son that had been growing in her. By the Grace of God, she lived and savored ever moment of life now.
   ​"Momma, can we go outside today?"
​ Jake's sweet voice pulled Sky out of her drifting thoughts. Looking back down at him, she smiled.
  ​ "I was just thinking about that. Want to go to the park, see if we can build a snowman?"
​ Taking a seat beside Jake, she proceeded to ruffle her son's curls. He giggled then hugged her from the side.
   ​ "Yah! That sounds like fun!"
  ​She laughed lightly. Hopping up, she scooped Jake into her arms and swung him around. After a minute of shared laughter and a short tickle fight, she sent him to his room to change into something more snow-guarded.
  ​ She also changed, choosing to toss on a green sweater and a thick, brown coat. She traded her khaki shorts with black joggers and pulled her mess of curls into a tight bun. Caramel toned and vibrant, her shiny hair matched her brilliant eyes. As a self conscious teenager, she had always put up a fight with her hair, but at one point, she had learned to just deal with it. Not only with her hair, but with life as well. Deal with it.
   ​Pulling on her fading, tan, high top Timberlands, Sky glanced back once more at herself in her slightly smudged mirror. God was so good to her. He was the same today, tomorrow, and forever. She half smiled to herself then exited her room, making her way towards Jake's as she continued to grin softly.
   ​Reaching for her son's rusty door knob, Sky listened as Jake hummed a cartoon melody that had come on earlier today. He paused just as the commercial had, then let out a long, deep note, ending it on key. She laughed as she opened his door.
​Her little man stood facing his sealed shut window, wearing his favorite blue hoodie and matching pair of snow gloves. Jake had also tugged on some brown sweat pants and his worn out, black cowboy boots, scuffed up and all, shone proudly on his small feet.
  ​Spinning around, he looked up at her then ran into his closet in the same moment. He came out holding his famous black and silver cowboy hat.
  ​"Can I wear it momma, please?"
  ​"Yes, my little rodeo champ. You may."
​  Placing his hat onto his head with all care and gentleness, Jake ran pass her, back into the living room. 
  ​ "I can't forget my cars!"
​  Reaching for his hand when he finished grabbing all his toys, Sky opened the front door of their apartment, letting in a whispered breeze that gently caressed her face.
    ​ "Wait, momma."
​Jake let go of her hand and ran to the dinning room. Coming back with her purse around his arm, he handed her her purse that was beginning to come apart, then grabbed her hand once more.
  ​  "Thank you."
  ​ Gazing up at her with bright eyes, Jake smiled wide, showing all his baby teeth and joy at once.
   ​ "You're welcome."
​  Together, they headed down the steps that led away from their forth story apartment to her old, beat up Honda that sat behind the run down apartment building. She settled Jake into his carseat first then stepped in, buckled up, and turned the key to start the car.
​ Nothing.
    ​ "Oh man, not again."
​ A weight of sadness fell upon Sky. She glanced at Jake in the rear view mirror. He sat in his used carseat with his hands folded in his lap, waiting patiently.
    ​ "Please Lord," she muttered.
  ​ Turning the key again, the car sparked, almost making it, then died again. Sky sagged back into her seat and let out a sigh.
    ​ "One more time momma."
   ​ Jake gazed up at her in the rear view mirror now, as sure as ever that if she tried once more, the car would rumble to life. For him, she had to try again.
    ​Twisting the key once more, she held her breath and waited. The car sputtered 3 times, then miraculously, turned on. Jake laughed in the back seat as she pulled onto the empty road.
    ​"How did you know?" She shook her head at Jake with a grin.
   ​ "I didn't. It was a miracle."
   ​ "Well, in that case," she looked out her window at the beautiful landscape of Oregon that was, at the moment, rolling pass them, "thank you, God."
   ​ Sky clicked on the radio, and together, she and Jake sang all the way to the park.

   Sky's cheap flip phone rang as she stepped out of her car, arriving at the park. She read the caller ID quickly, shuddering some inside.
​   The man calling her was named Peter West. He was her land lord. She had never liked the man, from the first day she had met him to the present. He always watched her with a curious gaze every time she went to pay her bills, that curious gaze never being the good kind. Once, he had even asked her out to dinner. She had declined without any hesitation. She would never trust him, not while he looked at her like she was a slab of smoked steak.
   ​Jake rushed past her, heading straight for the slides. She let him go and found a park bench for herself where she could be far enough from Jake so that he couldn't hear her, but close enough that she could still watch him as he played.
​  Clicking the answer button, Sky pressed the buzzing phone to her ear.
   ​ "Hello. Sky speaking."
​    "Hello, Sky."
​ Just the tone of Peter's voice made her shiver.
    ​"How can I help you, Mr. West?"
    ​"Please, don't call me that. We all know I'm not a married man, at least, not yet."
   ​ Sky chuckled nervously, not liking the call already.
    ​ "Anyways, just calling to say you're still backed up on some of your payments and you're gonna need to pay up soon."
     ​Half hearing him, Sky watched as Jake slid down the largest slide on the playground. He squealed the whole way down and laughed hysterically when he fell off the slide at the end from going too fast. He started to climb up the slide again and waved at her happily when he caught her gaze.
    ​ "Sky?"
   ​Remembering what she had been doing, Sky focused back in on the conversation.
    ​ "Yes, I'm still here."
    ​ "Did you even hear what I just said?"
    ​ "Sorry, no. I'm at the park with Jake."
     ​"That's nice but, you need to focus. Your bills are due in two weeks. Plus, you have last month's bills that you still haven't fully yet payed."
     ​"I know, I know. I promise, I'll get the money, okay?"
    ​ She twisted and tugged at a loose curl that had escaped from her messy bun.
     ​"Alright. I hope you keep your promise."
      ​"I will."
   ​The phone went silent. She started to press the end call button when Peter spoke up.
    ​ "Changed your mind yet?"
   ​ Sky froze. She knew exactly where this question would lead to.
    ​ "About?"
    ​ "My dinner invitation."
     ​"Oh-uh, I...I couldn't-"
    ​ "Why not?"
​ Peter cut her off before she could even think of something to reply back with.
      ​"I just...I'm not looking for that kind of-"
      ​"You see, that's what I don't understand about you, Sky. I can help you, in more ways than one that is. But no, you won't let me. You avoid me. Why?"
    ​Sky wanted so badly to just hang up there and then. The tone of Peter's voice had shifted from curiosity to something worse, deeper, deadlier.
    ​"I know you're still there Sky."
    ​"I can't."
    ​"You can't what?"
    ​"I'm sorry. I'll get your money soon. Goodbye."
    ​"Wait, Sky-"
​   She hung up before Peter could finish his stern protest. No doubt he would be furious and demand an answer from her the next time they met up. Until then, she would definitely be keeping her distance.
     ​Sky stood up from her uncomfortable seat and headed over to Jake who was now sitting on the swing set.
    ​"Hey bud. You alright?"
    ​"Yah! This is so fun. I love the park!"
   ​ She nodded her head, simply happy that her little boy was happy. She went behind his swing and placed both her hands on the chilled swing chains.
    ​"You ready to fly?"
    ​Jake twisted his head and beamed up at her.
   ​ "Yah, yah, yah! Let's fly!"
     ​"Hold on tight!"
   ​ She pulled his swing back as far as she could, then, sprinting forward, tossed it up and over her head, letting him soar. Jake's boyish laughter filled the brisk air as he flew back and up again. The swing soon stopped moving and Jake shot her a brilliant smile.
    ​ "Again! Again, momma!"
    ​ "Alright, cowboy."
   ​After 3 more wild toss offs, Jake abandoned his swing and took off after the slides once more.
    ​Sky found her bench again and took a seat, still grinning from her son's excitement. He had said he loved the park, but truth be told, he loved anything and anyone. He never complained, even when they had nothing. He always trusted that God would make a way. Just like his father.
   ​She shifted her thoughts from her son to her surroundings. Some leaves had begun to fall from the park's massive trees, littering the ground in a colorful blanket. Most of the snow had melted. Too bad. She had wanted to build a snow man with Jake. Maybe later in the year they could. Yep. That definitely sounded like a plan.
  ​She scanned the area some more, spotting an elderly couple walking through the nature path that started on this half of the park and ended at the other after a 2 mile trek.They chuckled loudly together, obviously still in love with each other as they had been the day they had married. Sky had wanted that. She had wanted to grow old with Noah and have a house full of wild, bright kids. But God had other plans. His plan was for the best, and she knew that, but sometimes she wondered why. Why did Noah have to die?
   ​While she still dwelled on these thoughts, the feeling of being watched fell upon her like a cold shower. Braking her gaze away from the elderly couple, she continued searching the park.
​    There! Across the playground sat a man slouched back on an identical bench as the one she sat down on at the moment, dressed in all black. Black long sleeve jacket, black joggers, black boots. He even had jet black hair to go along with his outfit of choice. His clear, blue eyes stared back at her, locking instead of averting. She hadn't even seen him take a seat.
   Time slowed as she took in the rest of him. He had a nice, lean build, making it quite obvious to her that he worked out some. She estimated that he was probably around six feet tall, maybe even taller than that. His relaxed vibe was evident, nothing like Noah at all.
    ​Sky's thoughts froze. Why was she comparing the two? She felt her face burn at the question. What was wrong with her? Before she could avert her gaze though, the mystery man grinned back at her, shining a perfect smile that enhanced his whole face. Now her face was definitely on fire.
   ​She shot her gaze downward but could still feel the man's unwavering stare on her. It shouldn't matter to her, but for some reason, it did. His gaze was very unnerving. Why?
   ​Looking back up, she caught a glimpse of Jake leaning over the railing that guarded the steps up to the slide. Before she could react, he fell over the rail, landing hard on his side. A cry came next, and like a flash of lightning, Sky was on her feet, running straight towards her limp son.
   ​Mystery man reached Jake first though. He kneeled down beside her son and placed a hand on Jake's shoulder.
    ​"Whoa, you okay buddy?"
      ​Sky finally reached Jake, scooping him up as he opened his eyes and let out a weak whimper. The stranger, still on one knee, gazed up at her. He looked-concerned? Of course he was concerned. He had just witnessed a child fall from a rail that was at least 8 feet high! But still, it gave her a funny feeling inside that a stranger would care even though he didn't know Jake.
     ​"Is he okay?"
  ​ The man's voice was deep but gentle, soothing her worries some. She tore her gaze from him, shocked. What was she thinking? This man was messing with her senses and she didn't even know him!
    ​ Jake shivered in her arms, pausing all her messy thoughts in an instant. She held Jake closer as she glanced down at him.
    ​"What were you thinking, cowboy? I've told you before to not play on the rails. You have to be carful."
   ​ "I'm sorry," Jake sniffed loudly, wiping some of his tears away with his gloved hands.
​ "I wanted to fly some more."
     ​"You could have just called me."
     ​Jake batted his eyes as he huddled closer into her.
​"I know, but I didn't want to bother you."
  ​  Sky kissed her little boy's forehead.
    ​ "You could never bother me. Just, ask me next time. You gonna be okay?"
    ​Once more, Jake sniffed then nodded his head slowly.
     ​"Okay. You can play for a couple more minutes, then we have to go."
    ​ "Okay, momma."
   ​Sky reluctantly released her hold on Jake, watching with a small smile as he went right back to his play.
    ​ "Kids. You gotta love 'em."
   ​Sky nearly jumped out of her boots at the mystery man's voice. She had completely forgotten that he was still beside her. She turned her gaze back to him. He stood close, a full foot taller than her as she had suspected, gazing down happily at her. He tilted his head slightly to the left, the notion enhancing his smooth smile and brilliant eyes by a full notch. He looked like an ancient warrior, all toned and clad in black. A mighty warrior indeed.
​ In a split second, Sky snapped back into focus. What was she doing, gawking at a total stranger?  Taking in a shaky breath, she uttered the first word that came to her mind.
  ​ "Yah."
  ​Yah? Yah?! Lame, extremely lame.
​  "He seems fine now though."
  ​ Once again, the handsome stranger's voice made her tremble for a second. What a terrible day she was having.
   ​ "Yah, yah, he's...good at recovering. Always looking for adventure, that boy."
    ​"Well, make sure he doesn't get into too much mischief. That one has spirit, I'll give him that, a good head on his shoulders."
   ​The man spoke as if he had know Jake for a lifetime. For some reason, Sky wanted to cry. Cry good tears, that is.
    ​"Thank you."
   ​ "No problem."
  ​ They stood for a good 10 seconds before mystery man stuffed his hands inside his jacket and spoke once more.
    ​"Where are my manners?"
​He stuck out one of his hands and grinned warmly at her when she took it.
    ​ "The name's Ryder. Ryder Clinton."
     ​"Nice to meet you, Ryder. I'm Sky Evergreen."
     ​"Sky, huh? That's a beautiful name."
   ​Sky felt her cheeks burn and turned her eyes to Jake instead of warrior man, Ryder Clinton. Jake stood at the top of the stair case leading to the monkey bars, staring at her with a questioned expression. Must have been thinking, who's that man talking with my momma?
    ​ Ryder chuckled lowly beside her. She glanced back at him. He was watching Jake too, a smile playing on his lips.
    ​ "Where're you from?" Ryder asked her, still watching Jake as he reach the first rung and started to make his way across.
  ​ Ryder focused his sparkling eyes on her again, now wearing a playful smirk, making her pull one of her own.
      ​"I don't live too far away from here actually, just a couple of minutes."
     ​ "Same."
  ​ They stood silently once again, each one in their own thoughts.
      ​"Momma," Jake came running to Sky's side, leaning into her.
​      "I'm really cold. I think I wanna go home now."
      ​Jake looked up at Ryder then, seeming to size him up slightly.
     ​"Who's this, momma?"
    ​ "Uh...this is Ryder Clinton."
     ​"Do you know him?"
    ​ "Um, well I-"
   ​Ryder bent down in front of her son, stopping her train of thought.
     ​"Would you feel better if I didn't talk to your mother?"
   ​Jake stood straight, pondering deeply. Sky had never seen him like this before, protective of her. It felt nice, made her love him even more.
    ​"No, you can talk to my momma. You look like a nice man. Usually, she doesn't talk to grown ups, especially bad mans who might hurt her."
  ​ She froze at her son's alarming response. She quickly glanced over at Ryder. He had moved his stare from Jake to her now. She didn't want him to get any wrong ideas. She didn't want him thinking that some bad man was after her or that she didn't like people in general.
   ​"I think it's time to go."
​   Chickening out, that's what she was doing. Cause when she had glanced over at Ryder, he had looked genuinely sad and deeply worried. For her. Why should he care anyways? Not like he could fix her life problems. End of story and definitely time to vanish.
   ​Sky kept her eyes leveled, not daring to look up at Ryder again.
   ​"Nice meeting you, Ryder. Gotta run now. Have a good day."
    Grabbing Jake's arm, Sky walked/ran towards her car that was parked near the entrance of the park, praying the whole way that Ryder Clinton wouldn't follow her and would forget about ever meeting her in the first place.

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