I got me a bad boy, Cm Punk!

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Kelly's P.O.V.

I look at the clock, 10:38 pm. I better be getting to sleep I have to get up tomorrow and take Caleb (my nephew) to a WWE match not the funnest thing in the world.. I mean don't get me wrong I love wrestling and I have my whole life! Just I've been in UFC for almost 3 years now and I just don't know how I will like the scripted fights. I know I have been on vacation for a while because of surgery on my ankle but I'm really starting to miss it and I need to get back in the ring! I'm just not sure UFC is the place for me. I don't want to change my whole career the only thing I have ever wanted to with my life is to fight but maybe in a different place other than UFC maybe just try something new.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I heard my alarm go off. I get out of my bed and walk down the hall way to the bathroom I get in the shower. I get out and put my skinny jeans and my iron man t-shirt on. I straighten my hair and do my makeup. I go and wake up Caleb and tell him to take a shower and get ready while I make breakfast. I made waffles since I'm not the best cook ever and they are pretty easy since you just pop them in the toaster. Caleb was already to go so we sat on the couch and watched some tv while we ate our waffles. As we got our stuff and headed to the car Caleb couldn't stop talking about all of his favorite superstars and the matches that were going to happen. he talked about it the whole ride there.

The first match we watched was 'The Shield' vs. 'Cm Punk' and his partners were 'The new age outlaws' the shield won that.. after watching a couple matches I totally forgot they were scripted!! It looked so real! I had a ton of fun and I could tell that Caleb did to..! As we were leaving I felt a tap on my shoulder as I turned around I was shocked to see the one and only ... Triple H! Caleb nearly fainted when he saw who it was he pulled me and Caleb off to the side.

'Hello my name's Hunter if you didn't already know that sorry to stop you but may I ask your name?'

'Umm... my name's Kelly Davis and this is my nephew Caleb'

' Perfect you are just who I was looking for!'

'I am?'

'Yes' he chuckled 'I would like to have a word with you, please follow me'

We followed him to what must have been his office.

Phil's P.O.V.

As I went to the cafeteria to get a bite to eat after my match I saw hunter walking with a girl. She had long dirty blonde hair she was ... well I don't even know what to say other than she was gorgeous! I had never seen her before who was she? I guess I was staring because Nattie walked up.

'Do you like what you see there Phil?'

'Who is she?'

'I'm not sure but I'm about to find out cause I have to talk to hunter about my new story line'

'Umm.. can you'

she interrupted me

'Yes I will find out who she is and introduce you to her!' she chuckled

'Really! Thanks Nattie!'

'Anytime, now if you could please whipe the drool off of your chin!'


This is a first for me so sorry if it's terrible!

I got me a bad boy, Cm Punk!Where stories live. Discover now