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So today was a boring Monday,I had to be up for school.I was dreading it,But also I was excited to meet Phil,My BFF.I think i may have fallen for him,I'm not quite sure but I'm gay and he's the reason why.About another 10 minutes went by and there I found myself walking to the school gates,I was so ready for school.A soon as I was in school,I was met by Phil.
"Hey Dan,I have a question to tell you but don't hurt me okay??" Phil said nervously.
"I would never hurt my Philly" Dan said with confidence.
"Alright here it goes" Phil spoke and lean in and pressed his luscious lips again his best friends;Dan's. Into the kiss,Dan started to fall over so j out my arm around him and broke from the kiss.
"Phil,I think I've fallen for you" Dan said as he laughed really loud.
"Hahahaha" Phil sarcastically laughed and kissed Dan once more.
"Dan,will you be my boyfriend?" Phil asked and lowered his eyes to the ground.
"Of course I will." Dan replied and kissed phils cheek and blushed.
Omg the person I had been crushing on for a year,Just became my boyfriend.Remember dreams can come true because mine did that day.

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