Don't Go

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Hey / Annyeoung haseyo Readers! Just writing a little fun story again. Ill try to update by and by. (If you read shakespear you know what "By and by" means soon. Of course I would know, ahaha) Anyways, this is just random writing for fun because thats what I do, express myself by. Well just a heads up, I currently have a huge crush on a korean pop star so thats how i imagine this guy in my story. If you want you can imagine these characters as your own personal lifestyle. By all means. Enjoy.


Walking to school every morning was a drag. At least it was a good day for me. It was Friday and it was super gloomy and cloudy. I enjoyed gloomy cold days. That meant as soon as I got home I was able to go throw my PJs on and go lay down on the couch in my living room and watch all the Korean dramas that I wanted to catch up on. Funny thing that since I lived in a city full of Asian culture and I was straight up white girl status. Thats how everyone saw me as. A white, blonde girl. Pretty sad, that at school everyone had you labeled. I didn't care much. I was a senior, so that meant that was my last year there and I was done. We were in our second semester mid February. 

I finally reached the steps of the front of the school, I pulled out my head phones and put only one ear bud into my right ear. I began to play the song "I Like It" by BTS. One of my favorite bands at the moment. I walked to my locker to go pick up my notebook for my Video Broadcasting because today was Current Event day. Where everyone has to go to the front of the class to present there interesting story that they found on the news currently. I always said the lamest ones. I hated that class. There was only two reason why I would drag myself to that class. One was because I had my bestfriend Aimee In the and the other reason was because I had a huge crush on this guy. His name was Kevin. Kevin Doe. He was super cute. There was a problem though. I could never in a million years go out with Kevin, because he was younger than I was. I was a senior and he was a Sophomore.

As the bell rings to third period, I bumped into one of the wreslters named Bruno. He thought he was all tough, funny thing was that I am actually taller than him, pathetic. Once I got to my seat I took off my headphones and sat there waiting for my friends to arrive. First comes in Aimee my bestfriend, she had brown hair and the biggest light honey brown eyes. Second came my friend Michelle, she was more of the crazy one, if you dared her to do something, she would actually do it. She had dark brown hair and blonde strikes. Them two always made my day. Aimee and I would always talk about our favorite topic. Korean Bands! We would always fangirl everyday, all day. Well Michelle and I would always bug people and talk about One Direction because she loved Harry Styles. 

"Everyone quiet down and get to your seats." yeld Mr. Allan

My friends and I were just quietly looking at him. 

"Today will be a change of plans, I know that every friday we have our Current Event day, but today I am going to assign you a group project. You may work with who ever you want, but you will need at least 5 people."

Aimee looks at me and winks. 

"Lexie-ah why don't you ask Kevin?"

"Shut up, Aimee." I giggle quietly. 

"Oh I know Lex you should ask him to be our "Editor"!" Michelle insist loudly.

"You guys, are so mean. Just becasue I said he's cute doesn't mean I love him, geesh." I slapped both of their thighs. 

They both screamed loudly. So I chose us three and some girl named Laura and Ashley.

As I quickly glance at Kevin, I noticed his friend caught me starring there way. Luckily Mr. Allan was that same direction, I raised my hand and called Mr. Allan over so I didn't look like a creeper starring at Kevin. Mr. Allan came to my group quickly. 

"Yes, Alexis?"

"I have a question, what exactly do we have to do for our project I didn't understand when you were explaining."

"Oh, its really simple. Choose an event that is happening at our school and interview someone or create a quick video summary about what happened at the event."

"Oh okay I understand, thank you Mr. Allan!" 

"You're welcome Alexis, if you have anymore questions please let me know."

"Will do sir!"

So I look again toward Kevin and thank goodness his friends didn't catch me starring at him. That would be mega awkawrd. I mean why would a senior like a sophomore. I just ignored my crazy thoughts. Quickly I started to assign jobs to my group Michelle was Camera Person, Ashley was sound person, Laura was Editor, Aimee and I were the Anchor people. We both loved being in front of the camera. Our one goal that we had in common for this class was to get noticed by more people. We didn't know to many teenagers at our school, but we wanted to changed that.

"So whats our topic for this project? Any Ideas?"

"I say that we do ours on our second school dance, Sadie Hawkens!" Says Aimee.

"Sure, great idea! Does everyone agree?"

Everyone gave me a friendly smile acknowledging the good idea from Aimee. I quickly pulled out my school I.D. card and exchanged it for a school camcorder. We told Mr. Allan if we could use the Green Room to film our project since it's a public display announcement. He didn't mind aslong as we finished our before the due date. While Amiee and I were adding a bit makeup on before shooting, I noticed Kevin starring right at us. I felt my face slightly turn pink, I gave him a smile and he looked away quickly. I wonder if he thinks I'm weird now, oh well. I asked Aimee if she was almost done, so we can start shooting, and she gives me a thumbs up. As we walk inside the Green Room, I noticed Michelle and everyone was set up and ready to shoot. Aimee and I sat down in front of the camera and in 3.....2.....1.....ACTION!

"Hey Raiders, I'm Alexis and this week we start selling tickets for our Sadie Hawkens Dance!"

Aimee quickly adds, "They start $12 with ASB card and $16 without ASB!"

"Each week before the dance the price will rise, so get yours fast!" I continue adding.

Then before we finish filming we both say, "Bye Raiders!"

And CUT! I shoot Aimee a really happy expression. I was glad we didn't have to take the shot so many times, or that would take forever. I walk back to the room, I was trying to spot Kevin out, but didn't see him. Automatically I thought he was filming outside or something, before I know it I walk straight into him. I didn't recognize him he was wearing a different sweater. I didn't know what to say.

"Watch it Maknae!" I yell at him and push him out of the way.

I kept walking toward my seat. Aimee gave me a really confused look. I gave her a sad look, because I didn't mean that. Michelle asked me what a "Maknae" was. It just meant someone younger than me in Korean. Since I was super in love with Kpop (Korean pop) I knew some words in Korean, I would like to use them every chance I got. I just ignored everyone's reaction to the scene I just did, since they could tell that I really like Kevin. The bell was just about to ring, when I was was gathering my stuff. I could feel a strong presense starring at my direction. I didn't want to look, but I couldn't resist. It was Kevin. He was looking my way, not with anger, his face expression was blank, I normally could read a person by just looking at them, but he was as expressionless as a brick wall. Finally the bell rang I had forgotten to put the camcorder back, I told my friends I would catch up with them later. I walk back toward the room to go put the camcorder back and to pick up my I.D. when I was about to leave the room a unusual voice called my name, the person also grabbed my wrist from stopping me leaving the room. When I turned around it was.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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