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Beka: y'know Yura, I really don't like your name..

Yura: huh?! excuse me?!!

Beka: your name. Your last name in particular, it sucks.

Yura: *starting to get angry* *shoves his finger to Beka's chest, poking it forcefully* What's wrong with my last name, O-ta-bek?!!

Beka: You should change it.

Yura: What?!

Beka: *leans into Yura and kisses his forehead* Change to Mine

Beka: *turns and walk away*

Yura: Did he just-- *stunned* DID YOU JUST PROPOSE TO ME?

Yura: *chases Beka down* DON'T YOU JUST F*CKING WALK AWAY.

Source: Elliet Beaumonoir

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