Part 1

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AN: This will be around 5-8 parts!  Each part will likely be in the Point Of View of a couple different characters!  I'll have a photo of the girl who's POV it is in the multimedia section since you know the boys already.  Also, you can check out the character list for who I picture roughly as the girls.  I hope you enjoy it :)

Cameron Winters’s POV

Eight friends.  One school.  One scavenger hunt.

It’s becoming a bit of a tradition.  Even though it’s only the second year we’re doing it, I can already tell it won’t be the last.  One by one, we climb up the fire escape into the empty ballet studio that Reilly attended up until it ran out of business three years ago.  Ashton cracks the window open and the seven of us slip inside.  Calum is running late…again.  We drop our bags, pulling out a couple bags of chips and some candles and a lighter.  We sit in a circle and I look around at my three best girlfriends.  I was always the quiet, shy one so I never had many friends until I came to college.  Somehow, the four of us clicked immediately.  I met Poppy first.  Poppy Davidson was my roommate last year when we first arrived at Boston University.  We’re quite alike in the sense that we both really enjoy art.  She’s studying to be an art teacher; I’m too shy for that so I’m studying Art History.  Looks wise, we’re complete opposites.  I’m short, blonde, blue-eyed and already tanned even in the late spring.  Poppy has pale, ivory skin, deep brown eyes, and dark hair.  Genevieve Leonard, or Vivi as she’s most often called, is a creative writing major and the most talented piano player I have ever come to know.  She’s skinny and tall and coordinated with sandy blonde hair that always looks perfect.  Her tan skin and green eyes are a dead giveaway that she’s from San Diego.  She lives the furthest away from school out of us girls.  Poppy is from Toronto and I’m from Cape Cod here in Massachusetts.  That brings me to Reilly O’Hara.  She’s from right here in Boston.  Reilly is the most outgoing out of all of us.  Her height comes with an enormous personality.  At 5’10”, Reilly is the tallest out of the four of us, and also the strongest.  She’s been dancing and playing ice hockey since she could walk and she’s not stopping anytime soon.  She’s got long, brown hair and hazel eyes that she insists are boring, surrounded by eyelashes so long, you can see them underneath her mask when she’s skating on the ice.  Other than the fact that she’s incredibly muscular, she’s really smart; majoring in Astronomy.  After a month of living with her roommate, Reilly got fed up and filed to switch and she got put with Vivi whose roommate never showed up for school.  Poppy and I somehow found our way to those two and we’ve been inseparable ever since.  Now, we’ve just finished our Sophomore year and it’s time for yet another scavenger hunt.  Throughout the year, we like to get off campus and just hang out somewhere and Reilly’s old dance studio was completely abandoned over a pharmacy.  So, we climbed up the fire escape and unjammed the window and climbed through and it doesn’t seem like anyone has been up here since then.  We always joke that we’re just like the girls in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series and I guess it’s kinda true.  The part that’s different are the three boys sitting in the circle with us, as well as the one that’s running late. 

The three boys sitting here are from Australia; the one running late is from New Zealand but they all call Sydney home.  The four of them decided to stick together and go to school in the States and here they are.  Michael Clifford is Poppy’s boyfriend.  He likes to think he’s cool but he’s a real dork.  The two of them are both big introverts so that works out.  Ashton Irwin is as loud as Reilly and probably harvests just as much anger since he plays the drums as viciously as Reilly checks players into the boards.  Across the circle from me is Luke Hemmings.  He’s quiet and dorky, but tall and blonde, and gorgeous, and he’s got the most beautiful singing voice.  I find myself blushing as I tear my eyes away from where Reilly is making him laugh.  Damn her.  She’s so good with all guys; incredibly confident.  I hear a knock on the window and it makes me jump.

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