||chapter 2||hanging out

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Your POV
I can't like Naldo that impossible I mean he is cute smart generous caring and..oh what am I kidding I do like Naldo

It was lunch time and you Shelby and Cyd walked to lunch you got through the line until you asked the girls a question

"Is Naldo single?" You asked

"Yea why?" Cyd asked

"I don't know I kinda sorta have feelings for him." You say

"Yea you want me and Shelby to ask him out for you?" Cyd asked

"Wait you would really do that?" You asked Cyd

"Of course your our new bestie." Shelby said to you

"So what do you say want us to do it?" Cyd asked you then you had a little quiet for about a minute then you smiled

"Yes go ahead." You said then you see Barry and Naldo walking towards you Shelby and Cyd and Naldo waves at you

"Hey girls hey Y/N do you like the school so far?" Barry asked

"Yea it very nice I have gotten lost a couple times in this school." You said with a smile

"Cool, hey wanna hang out after school?" Naldo asked you

"Sure I would love that, what time though?" You asked Naldo

"How about after school." Naldo said

"Fine by me, see you then." You say then you walk away and find somewhere where Naldo or anyone won't find you and you start to smile like an idiot

After school

You are waiting at his locker for him to come out of last period and your on your phone looking at pictures from back home then Naldo walks up next to you and starts talking to you

"Hey." Naldo said to you then you look up

"Oh hey." You say then you put your phone back in your back pocket

"So what were you looking at Y/N?" Naldo asked

"Oh some pictures of me and my friends back home." You say

"Cool, so I want to learn more about you." Naldo said

"But I introduced myself this morning?" You asked confused

"Yea I know. But I need a back story like what was it like before your dad and all that other stuff." Naldo asked

"I...don't want to talk about it." You say looking down then Naldo turns around and gives you a friendship hug and when he pulls away you are blushing like crazy

"Thanks." You say then you two walk out

At the mall

You and Naldo had arrived at the mall and you walk in and saw how big it was

"Woah the mall we have back home is small...and indoors." You say

"Yea this mall is called an outlet." Naldo said to you

"Wow i never been to an outlet mall before." You say then you walk to the other corner and then you bump into Cyd and Shelby

"Hey Y/N, what are you doing here?" Shelby asked

"Oh I'm here with Naldo." You say then Cyd looks around

"But he not near you." Cyd said

"Yes he is he righ---" you say but you don't see him

"Hmm I could've sworn he was here." You say with confusion

"Don't worry, we'll help you find him." Shelby said then they walked with you to find Naldo then when you found Naldo you saw something strange

"Guys, who that?" You asked confused and a little heart broken

"I don't know...he can't be talking to another girl." Cyd said to you

"Are you ok Y/N?" Shelby asked you patting your back

"Yea I'm fine." You say then you run away with tears in your eyes and you ran all the way home which was about 20 miles from the mall then you got home and shut the door

"Hey Y/N," you mom said then you ignored her and ran to your room

Hope you like this one sorry it took forever. To update so yea next one soon
-Hannah Nicole

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