JWS - 1

19 3 6

Just Write Something - 1

The music was pulsing throughout her body, even from her hiding spot. In the back of her mind, she craved solitude, yet she still sat on that worn out couch eyeing her companions with slight interest. Some were dancing, other were glued to their phones. She vaguely heard when some of them told her to dance with them, or at least get up. She shook her head to deny the request as her eyes laid upon the room around her. In a sharp comparison to the bright silhouettes moving about, the opened windows only allowed blue light to shadow them. The colors of night were the only things illuminating the space, for most every light in the house had been turned off in favor of an apparent chill mood. If the music hadn't been so loud then it might have been a possibility to feel at peace. She strained her her neck to the right to get a good look at the night sky for a glance at the glowing moon. Soon enough her view was blocked by more bustling bodies.
Her pursuit to see the moon went forgotten as she turned her head and found a pair of stunning eyes staring at her from across the room. Without permission, her stomach dropped momentarily as they began to get closer. Intrigue and confusion filled her every sense. Her fingers tapped against the tempo of the music on her thighs. Neither of their eyes wandered from the other during her pursuit to get where the offbeat girl enchantingly sat. She managed to sidestep a dancing couple and place her drink on the side table beside the other girl. Within a second took a seat beside the girl. When put next to each other anyone could see how different they were. One seemed to embrace all that was light. When the moonlight was the backdrop her dark curls and soft features seemed to make her look like an entity beyond this Earth. The other took on a darker shade of soul. Little to her knowledge she had bright eyes which could compete with the sun on a good day. Due to their proximity though, they complemented each other effortlessly.
Not a word was spoken between the pair for a while. The offbeat taps on her thigh had gotten even more sporadic compared to before and they were all the other girl could seem to focus on. Then, without a proper warning, the hand behind the lightness was closed upon the darkness and the unsynchronized beat from her fingers ceased. Their fingers intertwined instantly as if the movement had been discretely rehearsed beforehand. Without turning her head the bright-eyed girl spoke, not knowing if she would hear it.

"Happy Birthday."

It took a moment, sure, but then she could feel the girl opposite her leaning closer to her side.

"Thank you."

An indescribable feeling washed through her body as she savored her words. The confusion from before bubbled up into her thoughts tauntingly. How was it that she could make her feel such profound emotions? Why did she have to come and spend everything she ever thought she knew about herself running away fearfully? How did such a friendly touch make her words jumble uncontrollably and her heart pound? Denial plagued her mind relentlessly, as she brought out every single thing she knew about light not being meant to mingle with the dark. She was blinded by premonitions put into place since before she was able to form a coherent thought. She let them dictate how she thought, she let them make up her mind about what was right and what was wrong. Maybe that...that was the thing that was wrong.
The pair was still, for the time being, both lost in their own thoughts, one farther than the other. Wordlessly they formed their own protective shield from the rest of the bright bodies by facing each other on that desolate couch. The gaze from the dark eyes proved to be too much for the bright-eyed girl hiding within her doubt. Gently the girl squeezed her hand, the other kept her eyes down. Slowly the bright girl leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the cheek of the girl who resided in the dark.
It was if there was a shock of electricity being transferred from her lips into her skin. Every warning she was dwelling on stopped screaming at her from the security of her fragile mind. In an instant, she lifted her head and didn't look away when the dark eyes looked at hers with twinges of concern etched into them. In the moment of clarity, she took only a second to come to grips with what she actually felt.

"Please...can I-" The curly haired girl began before she was abruptly cut off by the sweet sensation lips against hers.
The delicate moon couldn't touch them directly as they did exactly what they had always been told never to do. Don't mix light with dark. It could only have been then that they both realized that they were neither light nor dark. They were gray and dark and light, mashed together with no other reason besides it was what felt right. It was what felt like the missing component to their souls. Within them, and every single being resided both light and darkness, combined intricately, but still observable. Only for a fool to disregard and the level minded to accept.

"Yes...you can."

//Well damn, this is what comes out of my mind near midnight...interesting.

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