The Letters part 1

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  Dyana and her friend DD was at school chatting about Jeff The killer."Dyana"DD said "what DD" I said looking  annoyed at her."If you can merry Jeff will you?"she asked."I don't know"I said"I will"she said"Ok I will"I said  obviously joking."Ok" she said we chatted the rest of lunch which seem longer then usual.

  The school day ended at 2:20 we said"good bye see you tomorrow ".When I got home my person was not their. But their was a  letter on the door. It said " to Miss Dyana"so I open it and it said."I will come to take you after the first full moon after your 14 berthday".It sign the words "love Jeff Woods"I immediately ran to my friends house. And called my person scared to be alone at the time.

When I called them they said"ok you need to stay right their were leaving now." I sigh a sigh of relief  when they say that. After I hug up the phone I ask !y friends person if "it's ok to stay". My friend person look at each other and at me with a sharp and immediate" yes". 1hour my person pick me up and headed home.

After we got home I showed them the letter they though I was "just kidding" tell I read the letter to them. Than with annoyance they said"it's probably just a prank dyana so get over it." I said with a sigh "you're probably right"still a little shuck up I went to bed.

The next day during breakfast at school I show dd the letter. She immediately sherk with horror in her eyes she said in a shaky voice. " Jeff Woods is Jeff The Killer" with a puzzle look and horror in my eyes. I said "are you sher" before she cud reply the A block bell rung. In A block I cud not focus so I look out the window to see.

A guy standing behind a tree he had a on a hoody, black paints, white sneakers, and his hands in his hoody pocket. Then he looked at me when I seen his faces I screamed in horror. In the instead I did he took one hand out of his. Pocket and put a finger on his lips sign to be quite. I froze seeing he wasn't allow their stud 4 guys I know.

I know it is long if you like to know the rest of the story keep reading on I will try to update soon but I have school in my way so till next time see you soon love skywolf9635.

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