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It took many days for Zoe to recover from her exposure to mother nature, days that did not go lightly with the rest of the family. Mari was troubled with every sleepless night that Zoe endured. Bella was saddened by the fact she had to stay away from Zoe and let her rest. And Zoe, she was a mess of tears and screams and coughs.

But when Zoe was finally back to her old self, she was plagued with surreal nightmares and looming memories. She didn't sleep in her bed with Bella anymore and instead had situated herself next to her mother in her father's spot. There wasn't a night she wasn't haunted, not a night where sleep claimed her for more than a few hours.

Elliot and Bea declared they were having a little baby girl over a family dinner. Mari was overjoyed to be a grandparent and the new parents were swarmed with hugs and congratulations. Hollie moved out from Ava's apartment and found herself a group of friends to live with, one of which was more than a friend.

Ava was content living by herself, enjoying her new work schedule and vacant time. Pete had moved to the adjacent town not long after the next year started. It was a horrid parting that left the family with one less.

Leon and Luca were still ever so absorbed with their soccer, winning more and more matches and eventually being requested to play for the Olympic Australian team.

Bella, well, she was a busy little girl, her hours filled with sports, homework, chores and looking after her twin. As they got older, it had fallen upon Bella as well to look after her sister.

And Zoe. Zoe was graced with her first day at her new school. It had ended in tears but eventually, after Mari forcing her child to go, Zoe had gotten used to the way it worked and had even made a few friends.

Life was finally on the right track for the Taylors. It was a shame it never lasted.

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