.~four I mean six pranksters~.

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While we were hugging each other like idiots, the thunder have been rumbling for maybe 10 or 17 times?
Why are they even talking about the movie Lights Out, and then the lights even went off.
I can't even text Val since my phone is in my bedroom. Oh my gosh.... what to do what to do........

"Hey guys?" Your brother called so scared.

"What?" Me and Parker replied in unison.

"Did you see that shadow outside the window?" Your brother asked while having a shaky voice.

"(B/N)! Stop joking right now! We're in a scary condition!" I blurted out.

"I'm not joking" your brother replied.

You where really confused so you look at the window and seriously saw a shadow.

"Right! You're not joking" you said while staring at the shadow.

Ohhh gosh why is this even happening right now, I'm not gonna be scared if they are not planning to watch that horror movie especially at night.

While you were staring at the window, the door bursts open revealing Liv, Maddie, Joey, and Val???
The boys where screaming like girls while you where staring at Joey and the others madly.

"Stop it!" You said to the boys while the girls and Joey where laughing hardly as Val turn the lights on.

"Are you guys even planning that???" I asked really mad.

"Well Parker and (B/N) did know about the plan, we are just trying to prank you." Maddie said while laughing.

"How did you even turn the lights off?" I asked confusingly.

"Secret" Liv said while giving me a wink.

"I can't believe you were as scared as a child" Joey said.

"We're really good at acting" Parker said while giving (B/N) a high five.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked maybe shouting.

"Well we're planning for a sleepover" Joey replied

"I still can't believe she was so scared" Maddie said while laughing so hard.

"I'm done here" I said while throwing the pillow on the floor as you walk upstairs.

"Be careful on the stairs!" Parker shouted while laughing.

"Be careful your butt!" I replied then suddenly tripped on the stairs as you balance while holding the stair railing.

"Told you!" Parker replied while you replied with rolling your eyes.

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