The Constellation

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Aurora was no ordinary girl, her golden hair shimmered in the sun light, her bright blue eyes twinkled but she slips away into the shadows during the day.

People say when anyone in her family dies they become part of a constellation, the family constellation, but the constellation was almost complete, just one more family member left and that family member was her.

One day she didn't come to school or any other day but what Aurora was going through was worth sitting

alone, on the streets she knew no one cared but I did (Thei). I came up to her one day and smiled but she just looked up at me her eyes red from crying. My head told me this was crazy but I knew somewhere deep down in Aurora's heart she knew I cared.

After a while Aurora and I became amazing friends and we could not be split apart. Until one fateful day, Aurora was sadder than usual but when I asked her what was wrong she got up and said goodbye. Later that night I was out looking for Aurora's family constellation when I noticed something different about it, it was complete. My eyes went red as tears trickled down my face but my hopes turned as a letter fluttered down from the sky. It read:

Dear Thei,

When you read this I will already be gone but I sent this note to say thank you for cheering me up when I was sad and thank you for being my friend.

Lots of Stars,


My soft salty tears turned into a downfall of tears so I raised my head and said "You're Welcome"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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