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Amelia POV
I woke up this morning and heard talking from downstairs I grabbed Emilia and walked downstairs
Joe Zoe Amelia Casper Emilia
J What!?!?
Z I can't tell the girls
A what can't you tell us?
E Mummy I'm hungry
Z okay Amelia here is cereal
A thanks
J please eat in the living room
C can we continue talking
Z&J yea
J I'm beyond mad
Z right why would he do it
C I don't know
I heard sobbing
Z I'm telling them Girls come here please
A is everything okay mum?
Z no Alfie my ex he is in jail for murder
Z I'm really sorry
J get this he wants your mum to bail him out
Z I don't know what to do
Mum was still sobbing Casper was conferring her
A who did he murder mum?
Z My boyfriend
Mum was still crying the whole world was out of control the phone rang
"I'll get it Mum"
Amelia Person
Hello are the sugg there
Yes I'm one of them
I sorry to say Your grandparents were found dead  last night
Thanks for calling
I hung up with tears in my eyes
"Guys." I said "what is it?" Uncle Joe asked
"Grandma and grandpa where found dead last night they where murder!" I said with tears in my eyes soon everyone but Casper was Crying we wanted the funeral soon so we decided in 4 weeks great a second funeral I have to attend
"Amelia?" Emilia said "yes?" I said " I don't want to attend it will remind me of mummy!" Emilia cried it was gonna be a bad day.

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