Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

The time that it took Alyster to get to the Order wasn’t very long. With a flexible and agile body, enhanced speed and strength and endurance, he could go on for ages before he would get tired. Finally, the Order was in his eyes.

I haven’t been here in a long time. I should say, ‘I’m back’…except I’m not really welcome.

With his knowledge of the underground waterways that controlled how exorcists travelled in and out, he went down that way to go in unannounced. He didn’t have the power of disguise, so he went in without his cloak hood on, walking very briskly to where the Chief’s office was.

He went down hallways and corridors that weren’t full of people, or had no one at all. It was the afternoon, so most of the science division would be doing their research, the finders would be out and about, and the exorcists would be doing their missions. It was the best time for him to come.

He was soon at the Chief’s office when he felt that he was being watched. A cold shiver ran down his spine. If he was caught, had to fight, that would be the worst thing. He was a scientist, not a fighter. He would have to call out his sister to fight. But if he called her out, then she would wonder why they were at the Black Order, and probably go on a rampage to find Eliza and kill her, including everyone at the Black Order just so that she could tie a few loose ends. In short, it would end up like a burning hell.

“Who are you?” A deep male’s voice spoke. It was a harsh and murderous tone.

Alyster slowly turned around and gulped at the sight of the person. His eyes were wide and he remembered the time when he clobbered him.

“It’s you!” Kanda took out his katana and pointed it straight at Alyster’s face, “What the hell are you doing here?! You stupid akuma, let me slice you up!”

“W-w-w-w-waiiitttt!!” Alyster just barely managed to dodge one of Kanda’s slashes.

“Huh? You’re not that woman called Arcana?” Kanda noticed the difference in voices. This time, there was no female voice present, just male. When Alyster shook his head, Kanda raised a brow, “Then you’re Alyster?”

“Yes.” Alyster stood up and took a few steps back, away from the dangerous guy in front of him.

“What are you doing in front of Komui’s?” The long haired man asked suspiciously.

“I wanted to tell him some stuff regarding the Earl and akuma.” Alyster replied honestly.

“Hah? As if an akuma would do that.” Kanda let out a sigh, “KOMUI! SOMEONES HERE TO SEE YOU!” He shouted.

Alyster thought that he would become deaf. This guy with the sword was really loud!

He heard a hard thump from the other side of the door and fast footsteps that became louder and louder. After, the door opened.

“What is it Kanda?” He asked immediately the second he opened the door. When the Chief saw that Arcana was next to Kanda, he stared for a long time.

“This guy says he’s Alyster.” Kanda glanced over at the him.

“Alyster…” Komui pressed his lips together, “You wanted to see me?”

He nodded. With one glance at the side, he took in a small breath, “Can we talk in private?”

Kanda made a weird expression but Komui nodded, “Come in then.” After Alyster had gone in, Komui gave Kanda a small smile, “Don’t worry, he won’t hurt me. Guard outside if you’re unsure.”

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