Chapter 2

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Anakin Skywalker Ghost has joined Facebook.

Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Skywalker, Padmé Amidala and 36 more like this.

Luke Skywalker: Finally, you joined Facebook! What took you so long?

Anakin: Well I'm sorry!

Luke: Good.

Leia: well, very good! I'm off! I think Han just called!

Leia Organa Skywalker has logged off

Obi Wan: Very good my apprentice.

Padmé: Yay you joined! X

Obi Wan: wait... Why did you send him a kiss Padmé?

Padmé: well... Ummm... No reason

Obi wan: hmmm, suspicious.

Luke: gosh they're married Ben! Get over it!

Anakin: Luke, shut up!

Luke: why, does no one know?

Padmé: of course not, Jedi aren't allowed to marry you idiot!

Luke: I was never here...

Luke Skywalker has logged off

Obi wan: well, what's your explanation for this?

Anakin: oh! look at the time! I must be off to the... room to see Luke. yeah, off to see Luke...

Padmè: I have to go and check on Leia, bye!!

Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker Ghost have logged off

Obi wan: is there anyone else?

Obi wan: no? ok bye then!

Obi Wan Kenobi has logged off

Anakin Skywalker Ghost, Luke Skywalker and 3 others have logged on.

Anakin: to everyone i hurt while I was Darth Vader, I am sorry. sorry to Obi wan, my amazing master, sorry to Padmé Amidala, who I tried to force choke, sorry to Leia Organa Skywalker, who I threw in jail and tried to execute, and sorry to Luke Skywalker who I tried to turn to the dark side. please forgive me.

Padmé: oh honey, you did force choke me! I was in a coma for weeks which is why Leia has a different name to us! She was adopted by senator Organa!

Obi wan: apology accepted! and why would Leia have the same name as you? come to think of it, why does Luke have the same name as you?

Anakin: I think he's my nephew from Owen but they named him Skywalker because they could.

Obi wan: meh, ok!

Luke: wait, I'm confused!!

Anakin: don't say a thing! I'll come and help him understand!

Luke: ok...

Leia: umm, i will try and forgive you but you destroyed my home planet so i don't know.

Anakin: ok leia, but if there is anything that i can do to earn your forgivness then i will do it.

Leia: how about a raise in my allowence?

Padmé: woah! i'm still your mother and i am saying no allowance raise!

Anakin: but that might be the only thing to make her forgive me!!

Padmé: tough luck!

Anakin Skywalker Ghost and 4 others logged off

Luke Skywalker logged on

Luke: HELP!! I'M BEING ATTACKED BY A WAMPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Han Solo: i'm comin buddy!

Leia: wait! it's too dangerous outside han!

Luke: fine! worry about him but not your own brother! #feelingloved

Anakin: this isn't twitter luke, so no hashtags!!

Luke: may i remind you that i am being ATTACKED BY A WAMPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Leia: you've fought it before so you'll live!

Luke: oh come on!! Dad, Ben, someone help!!!

Obi wan: how many times do i have to tell you that my name is obi wan kenobi, not ben kenobi!

Luke: well sorry #sorrynotsorry

Anakin: come on luke, i already told you that this isn't twitter so stop with the hastags!!

Anakin: *hashtags

Padmé: haha! you made a spelling mistsake!

Anakin: SHUSH!! bully...

Padme: you love me really!!

Anakin: i suppose i do! :-* x <3

Padme: :-* xxxxx <3333

Anakin: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Padme: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <333

Anakin: <333333333333333333333333 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Padme: i love you so much Ani

Anakin: i love you so much too P

Obi wan: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Anakin: oops

Luke: busted

Padmé: shut up!


Anakin: ooh! capitals! someone's angry!


Padmé: maybeeeeee... why who's asking?!

Anakin: Woah he's mad! Even his name's in capitals!! I'm off! Bye bye! :D

Padmé: Wait for me!!!!!

Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala have logged off

hiya! thanks for readimg my story!! love lucy! X

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