Chapter 13

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Later that night, Rainbow Blitz picked Bubble Berry up, and they went over the castle wall. Then they went past the diamond dog and pony guards. They then quietly went past Flim and Flam who were patroling the area while Sheriff Applejack slept in a chair. Flam walked up to a wall, and stood in position Bubble Berry tried to grab him, but he ducked as the pony guard said "One o'clock, and all's well!" The clocktower chimed three times, and Sheriff Applejack woke up as she said "Flam, you'd better set your brains ahead a couple of hours." "Yes, madam." Flam said. "Uh, does that there mean adding or subtracting?" "Oh, let's forget it." Sheriff Applejack said. "Yes, madam, Sheriff, madam." Flam said as he walked away. "Flam, how can Ah sleep with you yelling 'All's well!' all the time here?" Sheriff Applejack asked. Flim then went up to the sheriff, and said "Sheriff, everything ain't all's well. I got a feeling in my bones there's gonna be a jailbreak any minute." When Sheriff Applejack noticed Flim's crossbow pointing at her, she pushed it away from her as she said "Criminently, Flim! Point that peashooter the other way!" "Don't you worry none, Sheriff." Flim said. "The safety's on Old Betsy." Suddenly, he accidently shot his arrow, and bounced around all over the place as he and Sheriff Applejack ducked.

After the arrow stopped bouncing around, Sheriff Applejack glared down at Flim, and wacked him on the head as she said "What in tarnation were ya'll trying to do, you idiot?!" "Just doing my duty, madam." Flim said as he recovered from the hit. Sheriff Applejack shook her head as she said "You and that itchy hoof of yours." Flam walked back to the wall, and stood in position. Bubble Berry poked Flam, and before he could say anything, he grabbed him, and pulled him over the wall." Flim heard a noise as he said "Hey, did you hear that?" "Sure did, Flim." Sheriff Applejack said. "There's something funny going on around here. Come on. You cover me." They started to tiptoe to the wall, and Sheriff Applejack felt the arrow on Flim's crossbow brush against her flank. They stopped, and Sheriff Applejack looked at Flim as she said "Wait a minute. Is the safety on Old Betsy?" "You bet it is, Sheriff." Flim said. "That's what Ah'm afraid of." Sheriff Applejack said as she pushed Flim in front of her. "You go first." She then looked ahead at the wall as she said "All right, you in there, come out with your hooves up!" "Yeah, reach for the sky!" Flim said. Bubble Berry had already tied Flam to a tree as Rainbow Blitz put on his Flim disguise, and said "Just you watch this performance, partner." "Be careful, Blitz." Bubble Berry said.

Rainbow Blitz nodded, went out in front of Sheriff Applejack, and Flim, and said "Jehoshaphat, Flim. Put that peashooter down!" "Aw, shucks, Flim, it's only Flam." Sheriff Applejack said. "And criminently, get back to your patrol! On the double! Get!" She kicked Flim who narrowly dodged it, and said "I'm-a-getting! I'm-a-getting!" Rainbow Blitz followed Sheriff Applejack who said "That Flim. He's getting everypony edgy. Nothing gonna happen. That zebra is gonna dangle from the gallows come daybreak." Rainbow Blitz winked at Bubble Berry who smiled. As Sheriff Applejack yawned, and sat on the chair, Rainbow Blitz said "Sheriff, why don't you just sit yourself down here kind of cozy-like?" "Well, thank you, Flam." Sheriff Applejack said. "Just close your sleepy little eyeballs. The sandpony's a-coming." Rainbow Blitz said. "Why, don't you, uh, let me loosen your belt?" As he sung a lullaby, he loosened the belt, and got the keys. He took one of the keys, and unlocked the door. Suddenly Sheriff Applejack's snore startled him, and she said "Oh, Flam, that's mighty sweet. Sing it one more time, would you?" As Rainbow Blitz repeated the tune, Bubble Berry quickly made his way over to the door, went inside, and closed the door a little too loudly. Flim began to panic as he said "Wait a minute! Jailbreak! Jailbreak! I heard it!" He shot the arrow, and they ducked as Flim said "I heard it, Sheriff! The door! The door!" Rainbow Blitz made Flim trip on his hooves. "Now, for the last time, no more false alarms!" Sheriff Applejack said as she kicked Flim who said "Ow!" Rainbow Blitz gave Bubble Berry the keys as he said "Now, you release Zecora and the others, and I'll drop in on the royal treasury." Bubble Berry nodded, and they split up.

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