Slenderman x You

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You ran through the forest, you ran from your family who hated you and kicked you out of the house because you had weird telepathic power and couldn't contain it's power. You had already killed a person while you were out with your friend and she/he was terrified and ran from you, thinking you were going to kill them. You continued to run, you didn't stop, if you did, you wouldn't be able to help the tears that would've been rolling down your face.  You felt dizzy and light headed, you stopped and static filled your head, "Child why are you running?" you heard a deep monotone voice talk to you in your head. "Who are you?" You thought back. The voice didn't respond back for a moment. You clutched your head in your hands hoping the pain would stop. "I am Slenderman. You are running from reality, are you not?" You heard footsteps come closer towards you, you tried to look up, but it felt like someone was pushing your head down to the ground. "Yes. I am, please stop this pain, it hurts!" you screamed in your mind. The pain subsided seconds later and you looked up to see a tall, faceless man, you tilted your head in curiousity of who this creature really was. "Come, child. I shall take you home." Your eyes filled with fear and you crawled backwards, "Don't take me back to that place, I cant-" Slenderman held a hand towards you, "Not that one, My home, with others like you. Now, stand up and take my hand." You hesitantly stood up and you reached for his hand. Who is he? Who are these others that he talks about? His fingers laced yours and you blushed a little. "Your heart rate has increased, Y/N. What is the matter." You shook your head as you started to walk. "I'm just nervous, why are you taking me?" You asked curiously. You felt his fingers tighten, "There is something about you. You have the ability to use telepathy. Like me. I've never met anything else that could use my powers besides my blood and kin." "You have siblings? Who are these others that you talk about?" You watched him shake his head, "Enough questions, your mind is tired and it needs rest." You felt something slither around your waist, you looked down to see you were being lifted by some sort of black tentacle. You were lifted to see Slenderman right where his eyes would be. "I suggest you hold on to my tightly. Unless you want to be ripped in half through time and space." He said bluntly and your arms quickly flew around his neck. His arms held your waist tightly and his head dug into your neck. You closed your eyes and when you opened them, you were inside a very large room. You held onto Slenderman so you wouldn't fall and hurt yourself considering he's like eight feet tall. He got the memo and set you down carefully, "This is your room, until I can get a room setup for you. You may sleep, if you'd like, you may meet my family later after you awake." You nodded and you went to sit on the king size bed. "Will you stay with me?" You asked and you watched him as decided whether or not to come lay with you. He walked over to you nonchalantly  you laid down on the pillow. He laid down next to you on his side and you crawled up next to him and put your head into his chest. He kicked up a blanket and covered your cold body with it. "Thank you," You whispered aloud, "For everything."  He placed his arm around your waist and pulled you closer. "Sleep, little one." His voice sounded more soothing than when he had talked to you before,  it was gentle and kind, you didn't want to sleep, but your body was too tired to continue to stay awake. You quickly kissed Slenders cheek and hid yourself back into him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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