Chapter 8. Dreemurrs At Their Worst

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Frisk's POV

I was in a great mood today, we had a week off school and I couldn't wait to visit Chara. From what I heard, she's being released from the hospital today. I guess I shouldn't have got her that much chocolate, but no matter. I got out of bed and did my morning routine. After doing what I needed to, I walked out of our house and started making my way towards the hospital, which wasn't too far.
On the way I spotted a flower shop, a thought crossed my mind...
Should I..?
Nah it's not necessary.

I started to walk pass the flower shop, my mind automatically changed and my feet took me into the shop. A sweet smell hit me when I stepped in. There were all sorts of flowers, roses, tulips, lilacs, daisies, poppies, buttercups... The list could go on forever. For a second, I had a flashback of Chara telling me how Asgore would grow buttercups when she was younger. What if I got her those? Would she appreciate it? Would she, no matter what bouquet I get her? I was starting to regret walking into the shop, it was making me anxious.

I have the biggest freaking crush on her. I don't even know how, it just happened. She wasn't even interested, I could tell. At first she tried to push me away, only recently had we gotten closer. As friends. From her point of view at least. Sure I have an extremely tiny chance with her, but I'll stay determined and send subtle hints. What was the use in giving up?

After 5 minutes of contemplating with the choice of flowers, I finally decided to get her the buttercups. Besides, I really enjoyed how they shined like gold in the sunlight, I hoped Chara'd like that detail too. I took the bouquet and made my way to the hospital. After walking in, I went straight to Chara's room. I stood outside the door and gave it three light knocks, then waited for a response with the bouquet in hand.
"Come in.." Her voice responded, she had a gloomy tone. Concerned, I walked in and smiled at her. She sat up when she saw me and waved with her good hand. "Hey Frisk! S'about time you came, I can't believe you didn't come back yesterday! That was a seriously dick move." She said with her tone shifting every few words. "Sorryyy.. I just.. Well... I wanted to do all my school work early so- we could have the rest of the break to hang out together.." I responded apologetically. "Hm.. Alright, you're forgiven."
I smiled and shuffled over to her, then held out the flowers. "These are for you.. To get better.."
Chara stared at the flowers in my hand, then looked up at me with wide eyes. "Really? For me?"
She took the bouquet and took a sniff of the flowers. "You sure are spoiling me Frisk. Chocolate, flowers.. What's next? A diamond ring? Marriage proposal?"
Pft, I wish.
"Is it bad that I'm spoiling you?"
"Not at all."

I sat on the side of her bed. "So.. Anything going on lately?" I asked, attempting to strike up a conversation. Chara's head lowered. "They've been fighting a lot lately, Frisk.."
"Fighting? Who?"
"Mom and Dad. They can't agree on anything anymore, always so stressed. And.. it's cause of us.." She said with a guilty tone, she fiddled with her blanket nervously. "Chara- That incident wasn't your fau-"
"They make it feel like it is." She cut me off. "Look... Chara.. They're stressed cause their children almost got killed, you'd be stressed too if you were in the same position. They have to maintain the city too, which adds onto the stress- I'm not blaming or anything, I'm just saying that they've got a lot going on for them right now.." I responded truthfully. Chara nodded a bit. "Right.. If you say so.." She took a whiff from the buttercups and leaned in her good hand. "Have you checked on Asriel today?" She asked. "Oh uh- no-"
"What?! Then go check on him right now! Honestly Frisk, do I have to remind you of everything?" 
"I wanted to speak with you first- Besides, I don't even know if Asriel's awake or not." I answered with a hint of disappointment. "Please Frisk, go check. Okay?"
I nodded and walked out.

I walked towards Asriel's room, as I was about to enter, I overheard talking. Of course it was not quite right to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help myself. I pressed my ear up against the door to make out the muffled voices.

"Honestly, what is with you? I know our children are hurt, and it's causing a lot of stress, but this is no way to act, Dreemurr!" A muffled Toriel voice barked. "You gave that poor man much more prison time then was necessary! That isn't the way to behave, you're taking out your anger and stress on the people of this city that don't deserve it!" She added in anger. "I am not doing that, Tori. I did exactly what was required—"
"Stop it! Stop treating yourself as if you're innocent in this whole endeavor!"
"There is no need for this dispute.." Asgore replied to her cold words. I heard a little bit of movement. "Let's just talk this through–"
"Get away from me, please." Toriel answered as she- most likely -moved away from him. "You're becoming a monster, Asgore. What happened to you? This incident has completely got ahold of you."
"Tori.. You- aren't handling this well either.. You never shout like this.."
"You are the one giving me a reason to!"
"Listen... Our children need us right now.. They are also going through a difficult time, perhaps worse than us- as of now, let us be here to support and help them." Asgore said as he kept his cool, shuffling- probably Asgore trying to hug Toriel once again -was heard. "So please, calm down–"

Then a sound of a hard slap.

Then a dead-beat silence.

I heard footsteps rushing toward the door, so I quickly moved out of the way. Toriel busted open the door and quickly ran out, she covered her mouth, probably in shock with what she'd done. Asgore quickly followed, with blood trickling out of his nose and down the palm of his hand.
((A/N: Fun Fact: I left it at that point to go to sleep, then I woke up twice in the middle of the night with a bloody nose. I am typing this with a tissue shoved up my nostril. Coincidence? I THINK NOT))

I stood there in shock, that isn't something you see every day. Toriel hit Asgore hard enough for him to bleed. She shouted at him, they fought. They never seemed like the ones to argue or fight. Then again, I supposed there is no such thing as the perfect couple, but this was absolutely shocking.
Luckily, they hadn't seen me when they rushed out. I went into Asriel's room to check how he was doing, probably not too well if just the sight of him caused his parents to fight.

He was motionless. No reaction whatsoever. He was pale, he looked... Dead. But he wasn't. The beeping monitor showed that his heart rate was doing just fine, unfortunately it didn't look like that on the outside.
I hope you didn't hear all that, Asriel. I thought to myself. How painful it must be to hear your parents fighting because of you.

But how would I know how that feels?

I dragged my feet back to Chara's room, she sat up in hope. But I only shook my head. "He's not awake yet." I said, it came out as a mumble. Chara laid back on the hospital bed and sighed. "Thought so."

An awkward silence drifted between us. The silence was broken one minute later, by the rustling of the grocery bag. Chara held out a bar of chocolate, I gladly accepted it. "Thanks Chara.." I replied to her act of kindness. As I unwrapped the bar, I got a satisfying whiff of milk chocolate. The bite I took next was even more so.
After eating the chocolate, silence filled the air again. Then the door opened and the nurse with the ombré green hair walked in. "You're officially free to go Chara!"
Chara sat up with a tint of hope in her eyes. "Really? Sweet!" She said in a happier tone than before. Her doctor came in, I got off her bed and stood at the side of the room. I listened as the doctor reminded Chara of how to care for her wrist, and to instantly come back if something was wrong. He then proceeded to prescribe her antibiotics to take for the next week. "In around eight to ten weeks, your wrist should be fully healed. Have fun, and do be careful."
Chara nodded in thanks, I thanked the doctor with actual words and lifted the grocery bag with the remaining bars of chocolate. Chara took her flowers with her good hand and ushered me out so we could get on home.

So we got out of that dreaded hospital with the smell of soap and iron, and proceeded home.

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