Never Letting You Go

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Justin’s POV:

"Yo Ry pour me another drink" I said stumbling towards him. I was completely off my face but I didn’t care.

"I think you’ve had enough Justin." he said trying to put his arm around me "you can stay in the guest room upstairs it’s okay" he started pulling me towards the stairs when I stopped.

"You don’t tell me when I’ve had enough. Understand!? I said pour me another drink so pour me another fucking drink" I said slurring my words and poking him in the chest.

"come on Justin you’re wasted just please let me take you up the stairs to the guestroom"

"no" I yelled at him "get me another fucking drink or I’m leaving prick!" I said stumbling forward.

"I’m not letting you go anywhere like that Justin! You are totally drunk you can barely walk" Ryan said sternly. So I turned around and punched him straight on the nose. 

“you broke my nose you asshole” he said right at the moment that Ashley walked in.

She looked at me as I was crazy and went over to help Ryan out. “what the hell happened between you two?”

I shrugged and started walking towards the front door.

I wasn’t sticking around if no one would pour me a drink, parties without drinks aren’t parties. I started stumbling down the path before I fell over on the lawn and everything went black.

Ryan’s POV:

"babe what happened?" Ashley asked me right after Justin walked out.

"I told Justin he’d had enough drinks because he was so drunk he wasn’t even able to walk straight anymore, so he turned around and punched me right in the face."

She looked shocked “should we go after him? I mean he can’t get away with it right?” she said a little worried.

"Nah, I’ll call Kenny or Pattie. I’m not covering for him, this time he crossed the line"

I was tired of being Justin’s landing pad. He got pissed at me on a regular basis and it was starting to get on my nerves. He wasn’t focused on his work anymore, he never did any charity things anymore and whenever Pattie or Scooter found empty bottles in his car or around the house me or ash or Fredo would cover for him and I’m sick of it.

Selena’s POV:

"Seena?" I heard a little voice behind me.

"what’s up Grace?" It was my little sister Gracie. I picked her up and sat her on my knee. She may be 8 years old she was still my baby sister and I’d do anything for her. She started crying and I wiped the tears away with my thumb "what’s wrong baby girl?"

"Mommy and daddy are fighting again" she said sniffling. I pulled her closer into a hug and wrapped my arms around her rocking us back and forth.

"Don’t cry princess. It’s okay" I said trying to calm her down a little.

She fell asleep in my grip. I picked her up and walked up the stairs with her in my arms. She clamped her arms around me tight. As I was laying her down in her bed she stirred and wrapped her arms around my neck and said “can I sleep with you tonight?” I smiled and was about to say no when I heard mom and dad yelling downstairs again.

"yeah of course Gracie" I picked her back up and walked into my room. It was quite big and I had a double bed so it would be no problem if she slept with me. I lay her down and went to get changed. I pulled on a big light pink goodie and some grey sweats. After that I climbed into bed with Gracie and she turned over and whispered "Selly?"

"yeah sweetie?" I said stroking her hair out of her face.

"why do mommy and daddy fight? Is it because of me?" this was it, this broke my heart. Hearing those words come out of an 8 year old mouth. What am I supposed to say to her?

"of course not Gracie! It will never be because of you please don’t ever say that again. They love you so much. You’re their little girl."

"but why do they fight then?"

"I don’t know Grace, but it’s getting late so go to sleep baby girl and don’t worry, everything will be alright"

"I love you Selena" she whispered "I love you too Gracie. So much."

She drifted off to sleep in my arms and I just started thinking about everything. About Josh, my parents, how my friends left me and how my parents try and buy my happiness. I love my family more than anything else in the world but sometimes I just want to escape reality and all the pain.

Justin’s POV:

"Justin Drew Bieber" I heard my mom yell as she walked into my room pulling open the curtain letting the bright sunlight shine on my face. I groan and pulled the blankets over my head. Wait, what? Blankets? Mom? Oh no I should prepare myself for a talk. "I’m disappointed in you Justin. I thought this was just a phase but it has been going on for too long. You don’t deserve your fans the way you are acting. And since when did you hit people? I didn’t raise you like that"

I groaned and closed my eyes under the sheets grabbing my head to try and stop it pounding. “I’m sorry” I said sarcastically.

"no Justin you’re not. That’s the problem. You’re not sorry. Pack your bag. Your flight leaves in 3 hours." she said before walking out.

"wait. Mom, what flight are you talking about?" I asked confused.

She yelled through the door ” your flight to Texas.”

And with that it all hit me with a bang.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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