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Mattys POV
Being home was great don't get me wrong, but I felt so unproductive. I couldn't do uni work or record with the band being here, it was slowly driving me insane.
I'd hung out with Louis and a couple of his mates so much I'd started feeling like the uncool dad that's trying too hard to be hip.
I hated myself too....
My little brother had more of a social life than I did lately.
"Pass the remote" I said to Louis as he wasn't even watching the crap channel he had on the TV.
"I'm watching this" he said defensively and looked back at his phone.
"You aren't, you can have the TV all night while your friends are over" i rolled my eyes and waiting for his short response.
"Fine" he passed me the remote and I quickly changed the channel. I had recorded 'true romance' when it was on TV the other night. It's one of my favourite films and one of the best to ever be made.

By the time the film had ended Louis had migrated to his bedroom and the house was pretty much silent. He was having a 'party' tonight, our mother was working away for two days and I'm not the type to stop a party.

In this context we use the term party, very loosely.
Louis was having his friends over, probably to drink shitty cider and play truth or dare. You know the shit you do when you're 16.

The time was edging onto 7pm, a car pulled up outside and two boys got out. The door bell rang only moments later. I walked over to the door and opened it.
"Louis! You're friends are here!" I called up the stairs.
"Just go sit in the living room, I'll send him down" the two boys just nodded. One had a really typical 'meet me at McDonald's' hair style, a faked 80s perm with frosted tips. So stylish. The other was more like Louis, he had a band t shirt on and slightly longer hair.

I went into the living room, grabbing my things and heading down to the basement. I was staying out of the way of this.

Imogen's POV

I was getting ready to go to Louis' party, his mum was out of town so we took the opportunity. I wasn't really one for drinking all the time but everyone was going.
I looked through my closet and pulled out somethings. I didn't want to wear a dress, being the one of the only girls there made me so uncomfortable. I tried on a black and white squared skirt. You know the one that looks like a tumblr background. It came to just above my knees, I slipped on my fishnet tights and looked for a top to go with it. A black halter neck tshirt tucked in will do. I looked at my appearance and chewed the inside of my lip, I felt like there was too much skin, I needed a jacket of some sort.
I looked through my coats and put on a denim jacket. It looked fine I guess.
I was already running late so I slipped on my vans and headed out the door. I decided to grab a taxi instead of getting my mum to drive me, she'd only complain about drinking the whole way there.
"Hello" I said, getting into the taxi.
"Hi, where to miss?" The driver said politely.
I told him the address and he pulled the car off onto the road.
"Are you attending a party?" The driver said making small talk.
I nodded. "Yeah my bestfriends parents are out of town"
He nodded and pulled up outside Louis house. I paid him and got out of the car, going and knocking on the door.
Louis came and let me in. "Hey gorgeous" he smiled and hugged me.
"Hey, where's everyone?" I said hanging my bag on the coat rail.
"Living room, I'm just gunna go grab the CDs"
I nodded and walked into the living room.
"Fashionably late as usual" Liam said as I walked in.
I rolled my eyes and sat down. "I wish I could say the same for you, darling" the boys laughed and handed me a cider. I took a sip of it as Louis walked back in.
The party had been going on around two hours and about 30 people had turned up.
"We've ran out of ice" I pouted as I poured another drink. I was doing my best to avoid playing seven minutes in heaven.
"There's some in the basement freezer if you wanna go grab it"
I nodded and headed down to the basement.
I opened the door and walked down the steps, into the basement. Matty was sat on the sofa with his guitar and his headphones on, writing something down on a pad of paper. I walked in quietly and opened the freezer. I got the bag of ice out and looked back at Matty. I must've not been very quiet as he was looking right at me.
"Either you're stealing my ice or Louis has got you doing his dirty work" he said putting his headphones around his neck.
"A bit of both. You know I just steal party bags full of ice in my spare time" I said with a shrug.
He laughed and sat back on the sofa.
"Whatcha working on" i said putting the ice on the top of the freezer and folding my arms.
"A new song, gotta do something productive whilst I'm here I guess"
I smiled and nodded. "I bet it's about a girl" I said slightly sarcastically.
"You would be correct" he smiled.
I picked the ice back up and closed the freezer properly, "well I better take this up before they think I'm locked in the freezer". Matty nodded and smiled before slipping his headphones back on, holding back his curly hair. I walked up the stairs and back out into the party.
I really wasn't one for this party at all, I became bored and completely sober after around two hours. People had started to leave by the time 11:30 came around. This was a serious all night party, right?
I was staying over Louis tonight, I walked around with a bin bag throwing in empty cans and pizza boxes to help tidy up, Louis was vacuuming and putting the sofas back to normal.
"I'm so tired" he mumbled
"You're pretty drunk too" I said with a half smile.
"Come dance with me" he said reaching out his hand to me.
I rolled my eyes and took his hand, he pulled me into him and we started dancing as if to a slow song. He pushed my arms around his neck and his fell around my hips.
"Lou you do realise there's no music"
"Shhh. Imagine there is, sunshine"
Louis had always called me sunshine, for as long as I can remember. It's not really a cute story to tell. Basically I made the decision,terrible decision, to go blonde at 12 years old. My hair was naturally a dark brown colour and I hated it.
My mum wouldn't let me go to a hair dressers to get it done as she said I was too young. But being the rebellious pre-teen I was bought two box dyes and poured them over my hair. You can imagine the colour it went. Bright orange, like sunshine. Well according to 12 year old Louis. I powered through though, and now have the pretty blonde hair I'd always wanted.

Anyway, Louis started to become heavier against me, he was getting more and more sleepy. "Come on Lou, you're going to bed" he nodded as I took his hand and walked him upstairs.
"Okay, goodnight Lou" I said patting his head and leaving the bedroom. I walked back downstairs and into the living room to finish tidying up. I was greeted by Matty throwing cans into the black bag I was using before.
"Hey" he said as I walked into the room.
"Hey, you don't have to tidy up you know, I'll do it" he shook his head and smiled.
"My brother had this party and he's fucked off to bed. No way are you doing this on your own"
I smiled and sat down putting the cans into piles for Matty to throw away.
There was a few minutes before Matty spoke again.
"Do you wanna go for a walk" he looked at me blankly.
"Matty it's 1am" I said thinking he was mental.
"I know, it's quiet at this time. Come on" he walked out of the room and I followed.
"Do you have a coat? It's gunna be cold" he said putting his on.
"Just my denim jacket" I said pulling my arms through it.
"Here, put this on over it" he handed me a long bomber jacket with a band logo on the back, I wasn't quite sure what band it was for two reasons, it was dark and I didn't really care to look.
I slipped the jacket on and thanked him. And out the door we went.

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