~Amber's Origin~

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Amber Dweller was on her way to school, and like always, she took a shortcut through an alley to avoid being stopped by anybody from her school, especially her bullies. It was unusually dark this morning, It was 6:30AM. Amber took her phone out of her pocket and turned the flashlight on. It had rained last night, she watched her footing very carefully to avoid the puddles, unaware that she was not alone in the alley way.

She kept walking forward until she got a sharp blow to the back of her head. She never had any time to scream, her heart was racing. She had blacked out.
It didn't even feel long, but when she woke up and checked her phone, it was 8:12 and she had missed 4 calls from her mother and 1 call from her father. She felt a sharp pain in her neck, it spread down all throughout her back. She couldn't really remember what happened. Amber got up, weakly making her way back home without bothering to call her parents. The only reason that she ever went back home from school was to make sure that her little brother, Andrew, was safe from their parents. Amber knew what it's like to get helplessly abused by her parents, and she wanted to do all that she could to prevent Andrew from having the same childhood as her.

She opened the door and walked inside. Andrew's scream was coming from above, he must have been in the kitchen with Ralph (her father that adopted them.) Amber quickly rushed to the stairs, not bothering to take her shoes off. She froze. Andrew was forcefully falling down the stairs. Ralph was standing at the top, glaring down at the two of us. Andrew stopped screaming as he fell next to my feet. His eyes were vacant, and Amber immediately leaned down to check his pulse. Andrew's stomach rose and fell for the last time.

Amber snapped, Ralph had killed Andrew. The one reason why she was still alive was now gone. She looked up at her father, he looked scared. Not of her, but scared of the fact that he just killed his own son. Amber knew that he never really cared about him, he just didn't want to get involved with the police. She already had enough problems, her eyes, her disorders, her abusive parents, and that sharp pain that started at the back of her neck and spread down her back. Now her brother had just died because of her father.

She ran up the stairs without thinking, grabbing a cleaver from the countertop and running fiercely towards her father. He tried to stop her, but Amber stabbed him in the arm which caused him to get distracted and become weak. He was crying. Amber smiled, he tried to knock her over using his feet but he completely missed since he was panicking and had blurry vision from the tears in his eyes. She continued stabbing her father mercilessly, until he took his last breath and his eyes went vacant, just like Andrew's did. She couldn't help but crying and smiling, she had no idea what had gotten into her, but she felt so relieved while she was stabbing him. It was incredible, the feeling of taking somebody's life. Revenge was truly satisfying

Amber went to the sink, trying to wash the blood off of her cleaver. It was a mess. The scent of blood was alluring to her. It made her feel sensational, before all the water drained down the sink, she dipped a finger in and tasted the blood. It was way better than any food she ever had. Amber went into the hallway and got a thick, long piece of rope out of the closet. She grabbed her bag and threw the rope in, Making her way out the door and into the woods.

She sat down on the moss once she was deep into the forest, Taking the rope out of her bag and tying it into a noose. She tied it to a branch, and she was about to die before she heard a sound coming from behind. Something, or someone, was there. They were watching her. "Who's there?" Amber asked. A dark red and black figure came out behind a tree, he was huge. "I am your father, Zalgo. It's been quite some time.." At this point, Amber believed him. Their was something strange that she felt between the creature and herself, a strange connection. He held out his hand, and Amber took hold of it. "Follow Me, I will keep you safe for now".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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