Coral High

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I knew moving to Miami was a stupid idea. If it wasn't for my mom I would still be back in New York. I start my first day of high school tomorrow. Coral high, sounds like hell!

I hate making new friends. It seems hard, especially because I haven't done it since I was 3. I spent my whole life at Morris academy. I left behind my two best friends Amber and Priscilla. We been best friends since pre-k. We planned to go to the same highschool. That's odviously not happening

My mom got a great job here in miami so we had no choice but to move. My mom bought the house ahead of time so where we moved we had somewhere to live.


My alarm rang, 5;30. Time to get up and get ready for my first day. I wish I could say that like I was actually excited about it.

Do I wear heels? Do I dress up? Are sneakers ok? What will the other kids have on ? All these questions were raging through my head

"Breakfast !! " my mom yelled

I put on a pair of jeans and a blue shirt and my new Jordan's to match .That will have to do . Something simple, nothing to bring attention to myself. I ran downstairs and got breakfast. Then I grabbed my bag and hoped in the car. As I sat in the car I fixed my eyeliner nd put on my lipstick.

As I walked through Coral high's big glass doors, groups of kids poured through the hallways. Nobody noticed me. I walked to my locker, locker 512. I had math first period. I grabbed my books and looked at myself in the mirror, checking on my makeup.

I noticed I was the only half black, half Spanish girl in the school. Everyone else was white and Asian. This will be fun.

As I walked in the math room, the teacher called me, Mr.Henson.

" Hello, what's your name again? I heard we were getting a new kid from New York, it's nice to finally..." He said as he reaches out for a hand shake

" Have an outsider ? A black kid? Yea I know. The name is Johanna. I don't get the big deal, there are about a hundred new kids in the building. Freshman's nothing big!" I said and then walked away not wanting to hear his response.

The day went along, it was lunch time. My head pounded as I thought of sitting in a cafeteria with the whole school. Who was I going to sit with?

As I walked in I noticed the obvious separations, cheerleaders, athletes, geeks, normal kids , and new kids . I saw a empty table in the back. I walked to the table as I rumbled through my bag looking for my lunch , trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

As I looked over the cafeteria, I saw a couple Latinas, I noticed this one girl with long curly burgundy hair, and light eyes, she had tight jeans on and high heels. She sat down at the new kids table, not saying a word. She looked like a good friend, but I didn't see it fit to get up and go talk to her. Then there was this boy that walked though the doors. He was odviously not a little rich white kid. He had a big afro, nice eyes and he was very tall. He was also walking in my direction. I held my head down

" Wassup ? " he said as he walked by slowly

" Hey" I said sipping on my drink

He smiled and continued walking

It was finally the last bell. As soon as I walked through the door I saw my moms black Honda. I saw the boy again, he was turning the corner on to 'Mayfair ave'

I got in the car and put in my head phones

" How was school?" My mom asked.

I didn't answer, I heard her but I didn't feel like answering so I just turned my head and looked through the window.

"I'm speaking to you, turn off that music" she said as she pulled out my headphone.

"Mom don't pull out my headphone! School was fine ! A normal first day! I'm not a kid I don't need you to ask me about my first day! Damn!" I said as I put my headphone back in.

" who are you talking too? I know you don't want to walk home from here. So I advise you to watch that attitude" she said

" whatever" I responded.

We were finally home. I ran up the steps and into my room. I changed my clothes and went on my laptop.

A new friend request on Facebook ? 'Kyle James wants to be your friend '. Who is Kyle? I questioned as I looked at his page. oh god.. Afro kid.

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