Chapter One- Hamilton Takes a Liking...

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Teenagers towered over me, like a forest of trees. Only these trees smelled like sweat and zit cream. "Y/N! Come here!" Jefferson's voice boomed through the crowd, causing me to jump. Some students stopped what they were doing, others moved out of the way. Thomas pushed his way through the hall. Searching, seeking. "Y-Yes, Thomas? Everything okay?" I asked, stumbling over my words. "I need you, something important came up. The Hamilsquad is acting up again..." Disgust evident in his deep voice. Nodding, I followed him through the school to the back of the building. "They're out there... Can you give me some emotional support?" Something sinister twinkled deep in his eyes. What was I thinking? Hanging out with the school bully? "What do you need?" I asked, faking a smile. Jefferson's lips came crashing into mine. 'Oh, God... No! I know what he's trying to do...' "Jefferson!?" Hamilton walked on scene, pulling me away from him. "Did he hurt you?" Laurens asked, concern in his voice. "H-he kissed me... He forcefully k-issed me..." Shocked, I sheltered myself behind Laurens, Lafayette and Mulligan behind me in case Madison or Reynolds came up behind. "I could've done more... Plus it's none of your business!" Thomas tried to get to me, pushing and shoving Hamilton and Laurens. "It is! We'll defend her no matter what!"

Earlier that week...

I hugged my textbooks close to my chest. Being nervous was natural for the first day, but today felt strange. Like something was going to happen... But I wasn't going to focus on that! Anyways, Principal Washington had been super nice, making sure I was all ready for this first week. "Y/N, please come to the office!" Washington spoke into the intercom. All eyes turned to me, and it wasn't the good kind of attention.
Time seemed to fly, scurrying down the wide hallways. Each breath seemed to be suspended in time. As if the world had stopped, and I was the only one moving. My heart went thump thump thump against my rib cage, motoring me towards the office. Ha! The office? More like freedom! The students knowing stares pierced my soul. What did they know? Why didn't I know, too? Pushing the cold wooden door open, I stepped inside of Washington's office. "Y/N! I'd like you to meet someone!" He turned towards this guy, standing near his desk. Baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, topped with long brown hair drawn back, in a slick ponytail. "This is Alexander Hamilton! My prize student!" There was something fatherly about how he said that. Almost, like a proud new dad... "Pleasure to meet you, Y/N..." He paused before saying my name, sucking in a breath through his teeth. "Oddly formal, don't you think? With the sweats and all?" I smirked, sticking my hand out. "But the pleasure is all mine, Alexander..." I mimicked his flirtatious air, waggling my eyebrows. He took my hand gingerly in his, and planted a soft kiss to my knuckles. "Hamilton!" Washington snapped, partly disgusted by the PDA. "If you must, take it outside!" He chuckled slightly. "Hamilton will show you around. Now, Alexander. Y/N must stay with you always! I trust you to drive her to and from school!" He eyed us, like an overprotective father. "Yes, sir!" Alex saluted. I guess that was what I got for living with Mr & Mrs. Washington!

        Hamilton walked me to my class. Turns out we have almost the same schedule! "First we have political science (idk what happens in that class though, so...)! A word of warning, stay away from Thomas Jefferson... He's my arch enemy! Always debating against me!" He went on a little rant about how Jefferson was the worst. His words were so extravagant, and the way he said them, full of intelligence and confidence. Hamilton's lips moved so fast, I was worried he wouldn't be able to slow down. "So, heard your an immigrant. How's that?" He randomly asked, dropping his little speech about Jefferson. "It's fine... I do miss Canada though... (Change if you want)" He nodded at what I said. "I'm an immigrant too..." He replied. I perked up with interest. "Where's you family from?" He just smiled, ambition glowing in his deep, brown eyes. "Unimportant, there's a million things I haven't done! Just you wait! Just you wait!" He grabbed my hand, pulling me along while he sprinted to Political Science.
I could tell we would become fast, forever friends.
Maybe more?

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