Meritamen Potter

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Disclaimer the story ideas and characters belongs to J.K. Rowling. I only own Meritamen. Please Enjoy!

My name is Meritamen Potter but everyone calls me Mer. Yes, My brother is Harry Potter. I am only 11 months younger than him. Both of our parents were killed and we were sent to live with our aunt and uncle and their son.We have been living with them for about 11 years now. A few months ago some weird things started to happen. It was like magic, but I will not get into it right now. Harry and I started to get letters in the mail but our uncle is a cruel man and he kept burning them. It began to get crazy there were owls all around the house and we got so many letters that is was driving our Uncle and Aunt crazy that we left 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, London. We went on "vacation" to a house on an island. It was midnight and Harry and I were up to celebrate his birthday. The Door slammed open and a huge guy walked in. Harry grabbed onto me, protectively.

That was the day we found out that we were wizards. Well, Harry was a Wizard and I was a witch. Hagrid was the name of the man who crashed in on Harry's birthday. He brought us to Diagan Alley to get our school supplies. Harry and I were walking along when some blond boy walked into me.

"Watch where you are going Blondie!." I shoved him out of my way. That was the difference between Harry and I. I was a loud mouth and did not let anyone get away with hitting me or Harry. I kind of have anger issues. OK, I have anger issues. Well, the blond boy turned around ready to yell back at me but he stopped. Instead he put his hand out.

"Draco, Draco Malfoy and you are?" I shook his hand.

"Meritamen, and next time watch where you are going." Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me along into a shop call Olivanders wand shop.

"OH hello, I was wondering when I would see you two. I remember when your parents first came in here." we looked at him a little shocked. "Let me see." He went into the back and pulled out two dusty old boxes handing us each one. "Try them out." After 3 wands Harry found one. You are very tricky young lady." I looked around the room curiously.

"Sir," He looked at me. "Could I try the oldest want in your shop, please."

"Sure but that will take me a while to get to."

"That is alright." He came out from behind the counter and walked to the left side of his shop. He began to remove box after box. the walls had to be at least 3 wand boxes deep.

"Got it." He pulled out a very old dusty box. it looked like it was rotting. He took out the wand and handed it to me. It felt just right in my hand. I pointed it at one of the boxes which began to float.

"That wand has a Dragon, Griffin, Anaconda (snake), Unicorn center. 12 inches long and old maple." Said Olivander.

"Thank you sir, it is perfect." We handed him his money and began to walk out. As we were leaving he said something that neither of us heard. We already had our robes, books, and wand. All we had left was a pet. We walked into Hagrid out side.

"These are for you. A snowy owl for Harry and a barn owl for Mer."

"Thank you." We both said together, as we gave him a big hug.

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