Chapter 3: Zoraloo War I

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BOOM! There go the guns.

"RUN CHILDREN!!! GET INTO THE NIGHTMARE SAFE!!! KALLI AND MALIK!!! GET THE CHILDREN TO SAFETY RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!! LOCK EVERY ENTRANCE, AND MAKE NO SOUNDS!!! I MEAN IT!!! BRING THE CHUBAROOS AND DON'T LET THEM MAKE EVEN THE TINIEST WHIMPER!!! THIS IS A MATTER THAT YOUR LIVES DEPEND ON!!! GOODBYE CHILDREN. I LOVE YOU. NEVER FORGET ME!!!" That is the last my siblings and I will ever hear from our Aunt Avery. Trust me. Based on all that this war has put us through, the chances of our greatly loved aunt to survive are very low.

My name is Katie Garinian. I am a Gershmin myself. Like the others, I am about one inch tall, and I have long, soft pink hair, since I am a girl. I am only nine hundred years old, so I guess you could call me young. I live... well... lived with my Aunt Avery and my siblings, and honestly, I don't have a clue what happened to my parents, if  I had parents...

We all live in a very tall candy tree, so there are three stories in the cozy home. That leaves enough room for me and my six siblings, Conica, Malik, Shari, Hazel, Daren, and Kalli. That's two brothers and four sisters. But trust me, Kalli does NOT want to be a female Gershmin. She prefers hanging around with the boys. So, I pretty much have three brothers and three sisters.

Each of us have our own pets called Chubaroo, and I named mine Conno. Acording to Aunt Avery, Chubaroos were created when a young human boy, named Johnny, zoned out during his lunch, and dreamed up the perfect imaginary pet. It turned out that his hopes for his dream to come true were so high, that the dream ended up traveling all the way to Zoraloo! Boy would I like to meet Johnny and thank him because Conno is my best friend, other than my twin sister, Shari, my older sister, Conica, and my younger sister, Hazel.

Right now, you're probably wondering why there is shooting and yelling going on. Here is what happened:

There was a dream, a nightmare to be exact. It came to Zoraloo, and traveled to Zamorari's throne, the throne of nightmares. This nightmare was a terrible one. The boy who dreamt it was one of those "I WANT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD" boys that I so do not understand. So, you can probably guess what kind of terrible thing happened to Zoraloo. If you guessed that a troop of one million giant killer robots came to attack, then you're spot on. If you guessed that it caused what is being called "Zoraloo War I," then you're also correct. There are hundreds of thousands of innocent Gershmins out there, either trying to save the lives of others, or just flat out dying. It's horrible, I know, and I have a plan. A plan to end this war. I need all the help I can get, and there's no Aunt Avery to help, so it's just me and my siblings, all on our own in a nightmare safe. It's cold, and dark, and scary. We now have to fend for ourselves. All by ourselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2014 ⏰

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